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Korthian's Correspondence


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We received the following from the player behind Korthian:

"First of all, I would like to thank everyone: Korthian would not have been as successful as he was without your support. Some people, of course, had more influence than others. Bradah, Martineius, and Messalantha come to mind. Please don't be offended if your name wasn't mentioned just now. I simply had too many dealings with too many characters to remember them all.

My records, however, do have those names. I made sure to save most of my notes and all of my transactions. These documents have been provided to the FL imms. I've asked them to post these in the RP Logs section of the forum.

Why now and not earlier? Well, the characters from that era are gone now. I didn't want this information (much of which was supposed to be confidential) affecting how people would interact with them. It's also the same reason why I try to keep to myself as much as possible, in terms of out-of-character interactions with other players.

I hope you enjoy these, and realize just how greedy that little bastard was. :D"

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Korthian: Business Proposition: Tribunal-Korthian Agreement

Thu Feb 2 15:12:49 2006

To: Tribunal immortal

Hail Tribunes. I am Korthian, a bard from the town of Shire. It is with

great pleasure and under Lord Martineius Melvawen's advice that I write this

letter to all of Tribunal, for it concerns each and every one of you.

Simply put, I would like to propose business arrangements with this

particular cabal.

It is well known that there are many criminals in Aabahran. It is also

well known that Tribunal arrests these criminals on a regular basis. Those

arrested are imprisoned and/or executed; their clothes, jewelry, weapons, et

cetera are not always returned. These confiscated pieces of equipment are

then used by the Tribunes themselves.

There are instances, however, when the equipment is not needed by

Tribunal's forces.

This is where I, Korthian, come in. Tribunes may hand me the unneeded

clothes, jewelry, weapons, et cetera and I will sell them to other

Aabahranians. The profit from these sales will then be split an even

fifty-fifty between myself and the Tribune who gave me the item. Or in some

cases, items.

The system I propose is one based on trust. I will accept an item, sell

it, and then pay the appropriate Tribune his/her/its share of the profits.

You will be more than welcome to demand a minimum return. But keep in mind

that a) I will negotiate with you or B) the item will have to be sold for a

minimum of double the amount you demanded.

I look forward to working with all members of Tribunal and sincerely hope

that this business proposition will come to fruition. As a dignified

halfling bard, I would much rather prefer to deal with gentlemen,

gentlewomen, and gentleits than the riff-raff in Cartel and Syndicate.

Please understand that this is not a threat: it is simply the reality of a

man trying to do business.



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COUNCIL Martineius: Business Proposition

Thu Feb 2 21:39:30 2006

To: Tribunal Korthian

I, Lord Martineius, authorize Tribunes, on a one to one basis, to negotiate

with Korthian on his offer of this business proposition, as per the

offer sent. This does not compel Tribunes to accept it; this is

merely official recognization that Tribunes MAY accept it.

Lord Martineius

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Korthian-Player's note: "Back when Korthian was operating on his own, he asked Herald to send everyone this letter. I don't remember who sent it... Mathicus? Whoever it was, thanks."

*Korthian Brokerage Services Brochure*

Have an amazing item that you don't need? Then let me, Korthian

Milniaro, sell it for you! With over twenty satisfied clients, many more

happy customers, and OVER TEN million gold in sales, it is no wonder that

I am the BEST broker around! Why else would I be known as the "Merchant

Trader, Outfitter of Aabahran?" Flails, breastplates, rings, boots,

swords... If you have it, then I can sell it for you!

--- Profits sharely evenly between you and me!

--- Allows you to carry more powerful equipment!

--- Completely anonymous for clients and customers!

--- Much more profitable than sacrificing to the gods!

Contact Korthian Milniaro today!

N.B.: Korthian will broker only the more powerful items in Aabahran. Client

is welcome to demand a minimum return. Direct all questions to Korthian.

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Korthian-Player's note: "I can't find my application for my title; I must have forgot to save it. Oh well. Here's my application for clan KBS."

My name is Korthian Milnario, and I am applying for a clan of my own.

But before we get down to business, I would first like to thank you for

granting me my previous application, thus allowing the world to know me as

"the Merchant Trader, Outfitter of Aabahran." "Master Bard" simply did not

describe my profession.

The title I received has undoubtedly helped Korthian Brokerage Service

grow. My reputation as a trustworthy businessman has also allowed helped

attract new clients and customers. A good indication of how well KBS has

been doing can be found in my brochure, which I have had to change many

times to reflect the company's growing sales. Further evidence can be found

in my meticulous records, which show that total sales in gold coins is

nearing and will soon surpass nine million. Even more proof of KBS' success

is available in the fact that only three people have ever attempted to take

my life. The great demand in Aabahran for my service is undeniable.

Having analyzed the information above, I now come to you, Gods of

Aabahran, for help in taking the next step: the creation of clan "KBS."

This clan has three purposes, all of which are equally important. The first

is to offer items at a discount to regular customers. I realize that being

in another clan will prevent one from joining mine, but not everyone wants

to be in a cabal. These individuals are often the ones most in need of

equipment because they have no regular allies to fall back on. The second

purpose is to familiarize the younglings with Korthian Brokerage Service.

From what I have seen, many Aabahranians do not join a cabal clan until much

later in life. The KBS clan will allow them them to get a glimpse at how a

clan functions, to request equipment appropriate for their rank, and to buy

that equipment from not just me but one another. Having younglings in my

clan will also guarantee that they know of my company by the time they

really need those powerful weapons and armor. The last purpose of my clan

is to begin setting up the infrastructure that will allow me to employ KBS

representatives. With the way things are going, I have am sure that I will

one day require help in running the company. Younglings in KBS may be

persuaded to remain once they realize just how profitable being a broker can

be. After all, I am only one man. A very competent businessman to be sure,

but there are only so many hours in a day.

I am fully aware that new clans should have been running by themselves

for a while before they can be granted official status. But I request an

exception based on the fact that Korthian Brokerage Service has already been

functioning very, very successfully, on the fact that my clients/customers

are technically already within an informal organization because I deal with

proven clients/customers before speaking with new ones, and on the fact that

not a single mortal soul would be averse to the creation of the KBS clan.

I plead with you to accept that while Aabahran may not necessarily need a

clan like mine, it certainly desires one. Since the creation of all clans

reside solely within your divine powers, Gods of Aabahran, it is to you that

I send this application. I wish you all well and I pray for approval.

Thank you for your time.

Korthian Milniaro.

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Korthian-Player's note: "Yay for a successful clan application! Herald sent this next letter to all for me too."

*Clan KBS*

Hello, my name is Korthian Milniaro. Some call me the Merchant Trader,

others call me the Outfitter of Aabahran. Either title fits, considering

that I have been operating as a broker for the past thirty years. Most

of you know the story: clients offer me their products, I sell the products

to a customer, and the profits are shared between the client and me.

Suffice to say that my company Korthian Brokerage Service has been


Actually, no, that is not sufficient. Let me rephrase...

With over thirty satisfied clients, many more customers, and OVER ELEVEN

MILLION gold in sales, Korthian Brokerage Service is THE trading company in

Aabahran. And with the company's undeniable success comes, of course,

expansion. Which is why I have asked for and acquired FORMAL CLAN STATUS

for Korthian Brokerage Services!

That is correct, YOU can now be a part of Korthian Brokerage Services!

Just look at these benefits!

--- Sell your unwanted items directly to other members of KBS!

--- Buy much needed equipment directly from fellow clan mates!

--- Share valuable information with one another!

--- Have free access to Korthian's locate object and identify spells!

This clan is absolutely PERFECT for you lone wolves out there that do not

want to be bogged down by millenia-old conflicts. Or for you independent

individuals that seek to walk your own path while dressed to the nines. And

lets not forget you young ones who have not yet decided which cabal you want

to join; this is an excellent opportunity for you to either make money or

prepare yourself materially for the future. And lets not forget that you

will be able to do so with my knowledge of what Aabahran has to offer.

Now you're asking, "So what's the catch?" There is none! I am not

charging entry fees! I am not collecting monthly dues! I am not seeking

cash for my spells! I am not even getting a cut of the transactions between

members of KBS! Plus, you have no formal responsibilities towards me or any

of the other Korthian Brokerage Service members. You can leave at any time.

Come one come all!! Simply inform me of your intentions and I will add you to

clan KBS as soon as we meet.

Korthian Milniaro

Merchant Trader, Outfitter of Aabahran

Chief Executive Office of Korthian Brokerage Service

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Welcome to Korthian Brokerage Service!

If you are reading this, then you have just joined clan "Korthian

Brokerage Service" ! Organized by Korthian Milniaro (with the help and

blessing of Aabahran's Gods), KBS provides you with the opportunity to speak

directly with those who have equipment you need and those who want equipment

you have. Looking for a particular weapon? Trying to sell a piece of

armor? Gathering information? Then contact fellow clan members by

asking around or sending a memo to "KBS" !

Just be sure to inform me, Korthian, of any transactions you make. Every

successful transaction will count towards your chances of being promoted.

In other words, an individual's rank within clan KBS is an indication of how

trustworthy they are in a face-to-face trade. Rank does NOT indicate seniority.

But like all companies, Korthian Brokerage Service has some limitations.

Please familiarize yourself with them to avoid problematic situations:

1) You may only sell an item to someone who can, within a group of three,

acquire that item by himself/herself/itself. (Refer to KBS Product List)

2) You may only buy an item if you can, within a group of three, acquire

that item by yourself. (Refer to KBS Product List)

3) Exchanging information on the whereabouts of someone you cannot fight

is allowed only if you are not following (closely or from afar) this person.

4) Lastly, keep in mind your moral compass.

Korthian Milniaro and KBS are not responsible for any lighting bolts sent

from the Divine for your transgressions. If you need more information,

please feel free to contact Korthian directly. And if you need a locate

spell or someone to identify an item, you can contact me for that too.

Enjoy your stay with Korthian Brokerage Service!

Korthian Milniaro

Merchant Trader, Outfitter of Aabahran

Chief Executive Officer of Korthian Brokerage Service

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[ 85] HERALD Mathicus: From the KBS: Open for Business.

Sat May 6 15:27:41 2006

To: All of Aabahran

More from Korthian Brokerage Services.

--- --- --- --- --- ---

Hello Aabahran,

Korthian Brokerage Services has seen a drastic increase in membership

since my last letter regarding its formation. This organization now

includes people from all walks of life, from all important guilds, and from

a wide spectrum of guild ranks. Quite a few transactions have been

completed over our communication network, which our more eager members

have been taking full advantage of.

KBS' growth means that it is now ready to take on Outside Product Orders!

That is right ladies and gentlemen of Aabahran, your lives just got easier!

If you are looking for a particular weapon, piece of armor, etc... Let us

know. Our members will be on the lookout for that product and will inform

you should they be able to sell one to you. All it takes on your part are

four easy steps:

1) Write your request

2) Address it to "KBS"

3) Title it "OPO "

4) Send it!

Many of you have already been doing so, in a more limited way, by

contacting me personally. I have received requests for Worn Leather

Sleeves, Adeptus goods, Rings of Accuracy, Monorods, just to name a few. As

one man, I rarely come across those things. Imagine how much you boost your

chances of getting what you want by having a whole clan on the lookout for

you! While there is no guarantee we can always find your desires, you

lose nothing (unless you want to count the ink) to write an OPO.

Send your order today!

Korthian Milniaro

Merchant Trader, Outfitter of Aabahran

Chief Executive Officer of Korthian Brokerage Services

P.S. KBS will consider all Outside Product Orders, but our ability to help

you is of coursed limited in some ways. But do not worry about these

limitations; members of Korthian Brokerage Services are well aware of what

they can and cannot sell to whom.

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*KBS Clanhall Application*

Hello Gods of Aabahran, it is me Korthian Milniaro. I would like to

thank you once again for granting me my past wishes: my title and my clan.

My original plans did not call for another letter to you so soon, but plans

often change. In this case it is for the better: I ask for your permission

and help in constructing a clanhall for Korthian Brokerage Services.

I am 100% convinced that KBS' popularity and success has proven that

Aabahranians are interested in and will continue to demand the services

provided by this organization. While membership is relatively small

compared to those of other clans, we should remember that other clans feed

their respective cabals. Furthermore, anyone who wishes to join those clans

can do so anytime by visiting their headquarters. With no cabal of its own

to feed into and no aide to help me draft inductees, KBS' current membership

should be considered astronomical.

This clan's importance can also be recognized in the amount of goods and

gold that has been traded since its creation. Among the most prestigious

items are Spider Blades, a Glimmering White Staff, Translucent Shroud of

Wizardry, and Monorod. Even the lesser products are significant when we

consider that the buyers are quite young.

I would also like to point out that KBS has been operating well within

the limits of divine law. No epidemic of illegally traded goods has

occurred; I have not had to expel anyone for going against your will.

Although there is a possibility that "underground" transactions have

occured, they certainly do not result in any clan-based gains for the seller

Or the buyer. Me and many others in KBS have been on the lookout for any

illegal practices and have been following the Product List to the letter.

For all these reasons, I believe that the time is ripe for the construc-

tion of KBS' clanhall. This building will serve two major purposes. First,

it will be my way of thanking this first generation of KBS members for their

work. Without them, there would be no clan. The clanhall will allow them

time to take a break from their busy and often violent lives. Second, a

clanhall will allow the employment of an aide who can help me draft new

members. Having personally inducted each and every KBS member, I realize

the limitations of this practice and would appreciate some help. I wish

to take full advantage of the potential for future increases in membership

(which all indications predict to be forthcoming) by having such a clanhall.

I am willing to pay for everything that is required to build the Korthian

Brokerage Services Office. And I do mean everything: from buying the land

to drawing up the blueprints, from hiring construction crews to paying

office employees. I am also willing to supervise all aspects of the

project, for my talents are not limited to just business transactions but

extend to include architecture as well.

I implore you, Gods of Aabahran, to grant me my request. Let me know how

much the Korthian Brokerage Services Office will cost, on either a total or

a square-foot basis, and I will do my absolute best to meet it. Once I have

bought the land, the vast majority of the work will be handled by me

personally. I fully intend to be very quick, very efficient, and very


Please, Gods of Aabahran, allow me this golden opportunity, the likes of

which has not been seen since the cabals' foundings.

Korthian Milniaro

Merchant Trader, Outfitter of Aabahran

Chief Executive Officer of Korthian Brokerage Services

Chief Architect for the K.B.S.O.

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Korthian-Player note: "Guess who left? Martineius. Guess who Korthian decided to work with next?"

*Monopoly Proposal*

Greetings Messalantha. I wanted to speak with you in person about the

upcoming topic; an issue of such high importance should be discussed.

Unfortunately, the opportunity for us to carry out this plan is nearing its

end. And with fate having conspired to keep us apart (at least for now), I

resort to quill and ink.

As a businessman, I am well aware that gold is not an end in itself. It

is a medium for trade and should always lead to something greater; anyone

who wants to gather gold just to marvel at its shininess is a moron. With

this in mind, I regularly analyze my business by inspecting past records and

ongoing transactions. Furthermore, I keep myself updated on political

developments that would undoubtedly influence my enterprise. And then,

having examined all the information before me, I make plans for the future.

Based on the most recent projections, my future is quite bright.

I could not help but realize, however, that a significant problem will

eventually present itself. The problem is this: my financial empire will

inevitably lead to direct competition with Syndicate. I fully intend to

achieve my lifelong goal of owning my own company, and I know you are

interested in increasing Syndicate's wealth (be it in gold, in equipment, or

in power). This will lead to competition, which means lower prices and thus

less profits for you and me.

Or we can work together to establish a monopoly.

No merchant has ever been as successful as I am today, a testament to my

wealth and business know-how. No mortal being in Aabahran has lasted as

long as you have, a testament to your wisdom and power. If we combine our

efforts, we can become a formidable economic force in Aabahran, more so than

if we operated separately.

So what do I have to offer? First, business experience. I am not called

the Merchant Trader, Outfitter of Aabahran for nothing. I have made a lot

of money being a broker, and this deal will ensure that my efforts will

greatly benefit you. Second, absolute loyalty. I have never went back on

my word and I have no reason to begin doing so. This deal will provide you

with someone you can trust, should you be willing to take a leap of faith

(which should not be hard, considering I stand to lose more than I can gain

by betraying you). Lastly, eight million gold. I offer you complete access

to my funds, which will essentially become Syndicate's funds. Of course,

Syndicate members will need to go through you or me before being able to

touch it.

In return, I want a permanent Elder position in Syndicate. A very bold

request, but all important transactions require boldness. Please, allow me

to explain in more detail. I want that position for three reasons. Number

one, I cannot increase our wealth quickly unless I have the authority to do

so through Syndicate. Number two, I fully intend to defend Syndicate's

standard and would require all the powers I can get. Number three, I am

bringing you a lot wealth and the potential to make more wealth. If you and

Syndicate want to create a monopoly, then I want to be Elder.

In my view, the time is perfect for you and I to begin building our

financial empire together. I am fully willing to be the junior partner in

this relationship, which will undoubtedly be very, very profitable to us

both. The alternative is much less appetizing, even if we are on friendly

and civil terms.

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[ 57] SYNDICATE Messalantha: your recent letter

Sat Jun 3 07:55:44 2006

To: Korthian

I see two difficulties with your proposal, first I do not think it is

possible you stay part of clan KBS if you join the Syndicate, second, you

would have to put an embargo against all enemies of Syndicate. It could

also be that lightwalkers do no longer wish to trade with you.

Messalantha of the Blood

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[ 47] Korthian: Clarification and Answers

Sun Jun 4 19:15:48 2006

To: Messalantha

Perhaps I should explain my plans for Syndicate more clearly. If

Syndicate's financial future is to be brightened, I will need to conduct an

overhaul of the cabal's reputation in Aabahran. Its traditional pillars of

"bounty" and "death" will be replaced by "wealth" and "power." While the

difference in wording may seem minute, I assure you that in practice the

operation of this organization will change drastically. But have no worry:

people will still fear Syndicate. Probably even more so with my help and


I will now answer your concerns. Korthian Brokerage Services will be

shut down permanently. We simply cannot allow this clan to exist for it

will pose a potential economic threat. My efforts in KBS will be redirected

towards Cartel, from which I will recruit not only skilled assassins but

keen-minded businessmen as well. As for embargos, I shall follow your

commands to the letter. If you want to continue a vendetta against commands

to the letter. For example, if you want a vendetta against Tribunal and

embargo the Tribunes, fine. But I would urge you to reconsider for such a

conflict is of little value, for it is an absolute truth that profits can

only be maximized when costs (which wars tend to drive up) are minimized.

In the end, however, you make the final decision.

I really do hope fate will be kind and allow us to meet face to face to discuss

this transaction. But until then, please send me any other concerns

and ideas you have.

Korthian Milniaro

Merchant Trader, Outfitter of Aabahran

Chief Executive Officer of Korthian Brokerage Services

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[ 49] Korthian: Elder in Korthian Brokerage Services

Tue Jun 20 23:20:21 2006

To: Bradah Immortal

Hello Bradah, I hope you are well. As you well know, people like you and

me are few and far between. Most merchants like to set up shop and stay in

one place for extended periods of time. Smarter businessmen, like some

aspiring members of Korthian Brokerage Services, know that better money can

be made by remaining mobile.

Whether or not they are taking full advantage of that knowledge is, however,

open for debate.

You and me, though, we know how to do business. We know how to procure

the right equipment and then sell them at the right price to make good profits.

And, as you well know, I think very highly of you. Which is why I believe

you deserve the right to hold the position of Elder in Korthian Brokerage


Should you accept my offer, you will be promoted. Along with the

promotion comes authority and responsibilities in KBS. Among them are

inducting new members, writing welcome letters, updating the Product List,

handing out promotions, keeping on top of the OPOs, and answering day-to-day

questions in the clan. I will provide you with the necessary documents for

you to fulfill your role.

What do you get out of this? First and foremost, I will notify Aabahran

of this new business arrangement, thus increasing your prestige. That will

undoubtedly garner you more business. Second, you will have some measure of

power over the other KBS members. Not a noticeable benefit in the immediate

future, but in the long run leads to very profitable relationships. Lastly,

I will be sure to bring you along on any grand schemes I have. Although I

cannot reveal the details to you now, I can say that I have big, big plans.

I look forward to your reply.

Korthian Milniaro

Merchant Trader, Outfitter of Aabahran

Chief Executive Officer of Korthian Brokerage Services

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[ 51] Bradah: Elder in Korthian Brokerage Services

Wed Jun 21 07:53:41 2006

To: Korthian Immortal

Korthian we have known each other for quite some time now, together we have

faced challenges, competed and traded to build the name of Korthian Brokerage

Services into one that is recognised from the children to the wisened adults.

Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that I would be able to stroll

down the street without being heckled by people who wish to purchase the items

I have for sale. We have given each other much, you have given me a name, a

purpose as well as power, the power of wealth. To you I have given loyalty

honor and the proof that there is space for merchants to roam and become rich

within these lands.

When I frist decided to work for you Korthian, you will recall that I promised

you that I would become your second in command. It has been my sole goal since

I began this path. I accept your offer, ofcourse there is no other path that I

would take, I accept the responsibilities which you have briefly explained and

I hope in time we will grow closer in trust and for that so will Korthian

Brokerage Service.

However to take on these responsibilities I ask only of you one thing. Speak wit


the Rat Queen, let her understand that I am too of great value to her, and that

perhaps taking my head should be her last course of action if it must come to th


Other then that point I whole heartedly accept your offer.

Bradah Blackspore

The Merchant Prince

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[ 52] Korthian: Elder in Korthian Brokerage Services 2

Wed Jun 21 14:13:03 2006

To: Bradah Immortal

I am glad you have accepted my offer Bradah. Now lets get down to

business! The rest of this letter will reveal all you need to know about

your authority and responsibilities in Korthian Brokerage Services.

Lets begin with inducting new members:

1) Ask the potential member, "Hello, might you be interested in joining

Korthian Brokerage Services?"

2) If they ask you what it is, inform that it is an organization that allows

its members to enrich and/or equip themselves much more easily than

on their own.

3) Some good selling points: no entrance fee, no monthly dues, no

additional responsibilities, access to Korthian's locate object spell,

access to Korthian's identify spell, access to Product List, access to

Outside Product Orders, and finally access to a world-wide communication


4) If they do not want to join, ask "I assume you are already in a clan?"

5) If they confirm, then finish the conversation and move on.

6) If they deny, then state that since joining KBS costs nothing and leaving

to enter another clan can be done at any time, why not give KBS a try?

7) If they do join, find them, have them follow you, draft them, welcome them

over the network, and send them the Welcome Letter. All new members

MUST receive the Welcome Letter for their protection, but more importantly

for our protection.

Information for promoting KBS members:

Inductee - 0 transactions completed

Member - 1 transaction completed

Veteran - 4 transactions completed

Trusted - 8 transactions completed

Those figures are for total transactions. Members should be informing you

and/or me of their purchases/sales. Please provide me with information

that has been sent to you so that I can compile complete and accurate


PL and OPO:

The Product List should be updated every time someone demands an item

but we do not have that item listed yet. Determine what you believe

to be an appropriate rank for the product in question and notify me of

your decision. Should you receive any Outside Product Orders that

you want to share with the rest of KBS, let me know about them too.

Public Relations:

It would make both our lives easier if we kept our more violent activities to

a minimum. While I fully understand the usefulness of killing or stealing from

someone, such actions can have dire ramifications. I will not limit what

you can do; I only ask that you think thrice before harming someone physically,

emotionally, or otherwise.

And so on and so forth:

Should you have any questions, feel free to ask me in writing or in person.

I regret not being able to meet you to honor you appropriately, but I cannot

control fate. I will be sure to put in a good word for you with the Rat Queen.

And the rest of Aabahran as well.

Korthian Milniaro

Merchant Trader, Outfitter of Aabahran

Chief Executive Officer of Korthian Brokerage Services

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[ 51] Korthian: *****CONFIDENTIAL*****

Sun Jun 25 19:00:07 2006

To: Bradah Immortal

Since you are now Elder of Korthian Brokerage Services, I will provide

you with more information regarding this clan's future. There are two

possible routes available to us: expanding KBS on our own or combining KBS

with an existing organization, either of which will ultimately lead us to

acquiring more wealth and more power. I have taken steps down both roads,

seeing as how either strategy would work. Furthermore, pursuing all

possibilities simultaneously increases our chances of achieving at least one

of them.

As for expanding Korthian Brokerage Services on our own, I have put in

the necessary paperwork to acquire the land needed to construct a more

permanent location for our operations. Conversations have also been held

with as many Gods as I have been able to contact, to see if we can strike a

deal with a single divine entity. The KBS Office will serve as a recruiting

centre and gathering place for us and our members. While most business will

continue to be done elsewhere (like we are doing now), having the Office is

extremely important. Plus, it never hurts to have a concrete symbol of the

existence of our clan.

As for combining KBS with an existing organization, I have been speaking

at length with the Rat Queen of Syndicate. While the details have not been

finalized, the Rat Queen has expressed interest in my proposal to create a

monopoly. With Syndicate's authority and our business sense, an alliance

will generate much more power and wealth than either party can do on its

own. I believe this option to be the more promising one because it costs

less for everybody and will provide a greater return as well.

That is a summary of where we stand right now, Bradah. As long as we are

patient and hardworking, we will most definitely be rewarded. A reply from

the divine about the Office, or from Kaauld about Syndicate, is what KBS

seeks to further itself.

Korthian Milniaro

Merchant Trader, Outfitter of Aabahran

Chief Executive Officer of Korthian Brokerage Services

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[ 40] Korthian: The Monopoly

Thu Jun 29 18:53:25 2006

To: Messalantha Immortal

Greetings Messalantha. During a conversation with the Cacophony

regarding the future of Korthian Brokerage Services, we spoke of the the

possible KBS-Syndicate merge. Although the God and I did not agree on

whether or not the deal as it stands would be possible, he did say that he

will speak with the Greedy one.

Hopefully, the Cacophony's words will facilitate the finalization of the


Korthian Milniaro

Merchant Trader, Outfitter of Aabahran

Chief Executive Officer of Korthian Brokerage Services

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[ 41] Korthian: KBS' Future

Thu Jun 29 19:04:03 2006

To: Bradah Immortal

Hello Bradah, I have news regarding the future of Korthian Brokerage

Services. A conversation between me and the Cacophony revealed that the

cost of purchasing land for the KBS Office will be greater than 30 million.

While that sum is quite high, I am not surprised and in truth expected a

higher cost. Actually gathering 30 million gold coins is, however, quite

the task.

The Cacophony did say, however, that a merge between KBS and Syndicate

could mean the cabal bearing part of the costs. But I do not see why an

Office would be needed in that case, for Syndicate and Cartel already have

the necessary facilities for continuing our business operations.

In other words, our options are still somewhat the same:

Option A: Build the Office by raising 30 million gold

Option B: Merge with Syndicate

Would you be expected to help pay for the Office? Of course not. But if

you do choose to give financial aid, I will modify my Office blueprints

and order the workers to build, in the Office, references to Bradah Blackspore.

Korthian Milniaro

Merchant Trader, Outfitter of Aabahran

Chief Executive Officer of Korthian Brokerage Services

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[ 43] Bradah: KBS and our options.

Sat Jul 1 01:01:04 2006

To: Korthian Immortal

First off 30 million is quite the sum Korthain. Probably over three

times what I currently have in the bank. I am unsure how between us

we would be able to raise another capital. I could easily get my hands

on another couple of million, but that still leaves us falling quite

far short of the mark. However there is still fact that I have no idea

what your current worth is, and perhaps we could afford it.

After examining our two options really one question decides it all. If

we are to merge with the Syndicate then there will be no need to spend

that sort of capital on our own facilities, as we can operate out of the

current halls used by cartel. This would perhaps allow us to invest the

capital saved in other areas. Such as recruitment, advertising, perhaps

some sort of special event, even bribes. However this all depends on the

intergration of KBS into Cartel. If this were not to happen then I would

consider and probably aid with putting my capital into the hall.

Bradah Blackspore

The Merchant Prince

The Right hand of Korthian.

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Korthian-Player's note: "If you know the game relatively well, I highly recommend that you get on the newbie channel to help the rookies. Some people think it's a hassle. Some people think it's not worth the risk of dying. But... isn't your equipment and one of your character's 60 lives worth welcoming/helping a new player?"

Korthian: Application for Newbie Channel

To: Immortal

My earliest memory is a very pleasant one. I was sitting on a beautiful

lawn; there was not a cloud in the sky. The sun's rays beamed down upon me

as a gentle wind breezed past. Strange how I remember so much even though I

was so young. And like all halfling children, I had a very short attention

span. But that day was different.

That was the day I got my first gold coin.

I had found it on the ground. Someone must have dropped it accidently. Why

else would anyone let go of such a beautiful and precious thing? For an entire

day I played with it, holding it ever so gently and turning it ever so slowly

to watch it shine. Sunlight danced over the coin; only the smile on my face

was brighter.

Then along came an older halfling. I don't remember his name, or even exactly

what he looked like. His words, however, I remember: "Quite a find you have

there lad! Remember to save it, and not to waste it on sweets!" At the time,

I had no idea what "save" means. So I did what any halfling child would have

done and bought some chocolates.

Boy did I regret that decision.

I should have listened to the man and put the coin in a piggy bank. Should

have gotten more coins and then bought something much more useful, not to

mention more lasting. It was a harsh lesson, one that I would not wish on

anyone else.

Which is why I would like to be granted the privilege of aiding the young

adventurers of Aabahran. My knowledge of this world and its treasures will

undoubtedly prevent aches and pains among the younglings. I will, of course,

refrain from talking business. I will genuinely help others for their sake,

and not for mine.

Korthian Milniaro

Merchant Trader, Outfitter of Aabahran

Chief Executive Officer of Korthian Brokerage Services

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[ 20] Korthian: Korthian Brokerage Services Office Construction Details

Mon Jul 10 17:43:29 2006

To: Malchaeius Immortal

Hail Cacophony. The last time we spoke, you mentioned that at least 30

million gold coins will be required for purchase and construction of the

Korthian Brokerage Services Office. After considering this amount, I feel

it necessary to hammer out the details with you before making any sort of

commitment. More specifically, I would like to discuss the following:

- Location of the KBSO

- Cost per room

- Cost per permanent employee

- Cost per item (e.g. fountain, statues, refreshments, furniture)

- My absolute control over actual construction of the Office

I eagerly await your reply, Cacophony.

Korthian Milniaro

Merchant Trader, Outfitter of Aabahran

Chief Executive Officer of Korthian Brokerage Services

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[ 56] Korthian: Setting a Maximum Interest Rate

Tue Jul 18 18:30:47 2006

To: Bradah

Although we should be able to raise the necessary amount of gold to build

the KBS Office, there is no harm in planning for the worst. And the worst,

financially speaking, would be the need to borrow gold from various

individuals/organizations. Should we actually need to do so, I will be more

than willing to have the loans in my name. In other words, I will be the

one who has to pay back the loans, with interest of course.

As a precaution, I would like to discuss the maximum interest rate with you.

I believe this is necessary because should this topic become the subject

of conversation with other Aabahranians, we should present a united

front. Quoting different acceptable interest rates, or not knowing what

to quote, would not bode well for our reputation.

I suggest a maximum interest rate of 30%. In other words, for every

100 gold coins we receive, I will later pay back 130 gold coins. What do

you think?

Korthian Milniaro

Merchant Trader, Outfitter of Aabahran

Chief Executive Officer of Korthian Brokerage Services

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[ 46] Korthian: Request for Syndicate-KBS Merger

Tue Jul 25 09:16:08 2006

To: Immortal Messalantha

Hail to the Gods of Aabahran,

As the Rat Queen of Syndicate and Chief Executive Officer of Korthian

Brokerage Services, we have been pushing for a union of the two

organizations for quite some time. We firmly believe that a merger between

Syndicate and KBS will propel both sides to greater heights than they can

achieve on their own. The union would present opportunities that would

otherwise be at best very difficult to obtain, and at worst completely

impossible to achieve, by each group alone.

We, as the Rat Queen and C.E.O., request the blessing of the Gods to

combine Syndicate and KBS.


Messalantha of the Blood, Rat Queen of Syndicate

Korthian Milniaro, Chief Executive Officer of KBS

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[ 50] Korthian: Publicity and more publicity!

Wed Aug 2 22:20:57 2006

To: Messalantha Bradah

Seeing as how the divine have turned a deaf ear to us, I have asked

Historian Mathicus of Herald to send a letter to the Gods. Not wanting to

put pressure on the scholar, I simply requested that he reveal his opinion

of KBS to those above us. Should his words not have any effect, I will

ask the same of more and more Aabahranians.

We shall cover the skies with dozens, hundreds, thousands of petitions.

The Gods might be able to ignore the words of us few. Lets see

if they can shut out the thunderous roar of all Aabahran.

Korthian Milniaro

Merchant Trader, Outfitter of Aabahran

Chief Executive Officer of Korthian Brokerage Services

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[ 58] TRIBUNAL Listaria: Bradah - An Unexpected Thief

Sat Aug 5 03:06:01 2006

To: KBS Korthian Bradah

After an assassination by Inmek in Val Miran, Bradah, a businessman now

considered ter be disreputable, stole all wares but a few from mer corpse.

Mer asked fer der return, mer offered ter buy dem back, mer even told him

dat mer could legally mark him fer lootin' mer corpse in da city. And

yet 'e refused ter return mer things, and left da city, presumably

to sell mer things ter Glaien or some such riff-raff (something mer very

specifically asked him not ter do, after sellin' stuff to him just hours

before). So now mer have ter come ter yer wit dis. Dem Bradah is not

ter be trusted, and is no more den a petty thief, lookin' ter make a

purse of quick coin.

Do with him what you will.

Listaria Ironarm

PS- Korthian, mer would also like ter speak wit yer about a more...

trustworthy representative bein' put in charge of da Empire Day Festival.

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