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Korthian's Correspondence


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[ 20] SYNDICATE Messalantha: Yiee

Sun Oct 15 10:56:13 2006

To: Lord Chayesh Korthian

After watching her a bit more I think she is ready to fully join us. She

is a talentend Merchant though she is lacking in regards of combat prowess.

With the leaving of Bradah we have only one Merchant left however, so I

think we would profit from her.

Messalantha of the Blood

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[ 22] HERALD Branor: An Alliance of Sorts

Tue Oct 17 03:33:03 2006

To: Syndicate Herald

I greet you all in the name of Life.

I scribe to you today in hope that you might aid us.

Though our organizations have some vastly differing

perspectives, we still our furtherance in this world.

The main difference is, instead of gold and contracts,

we pursue knowledge and lore for all Aabahran.

Surely one can imagine that without our services and

tomes, history would have nowhere to record the

deeds of an organization with such a storied past,

like the Syndicate. Also, with the recent inclusion of the

traders within your ranks, surely you can see the

benefit of such an agreement. We propose a pact of

non-aggression with you in the hopes that this

small step will help to insure our services are

available to all, no matter what the situation.

We ask your aid in our quest.


Branor Tsidkenu, Scholar of Herald

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[ 28] SYNDICATE Korthian: Diplomatic Courtesy

Tue Oct 17 21:19:34 2006

To: Knight Hope Syndicate Cartel

I have been greatly annoyed by the recent turn of events. I was taking a

stroll in Elium Forest when Sir Leveran decided to attack me, believing that

I was following him. This was certainly not the case: I have more than

enough legitimate business to keep myself occupied for the rest of my life.

After fleeing to safety, I offered him peace. He declined. At which point

I had no choice but to retaliate.

I did so by stealing his Thunder Bolt. While this may have aided Morchial

of Nexus, know that the Forsaken's absence would not have changed the


Soon afterwards, Sir Leveran contacted me to ask for his Thunder Bolt back.

He asked what I wanted in exchange, and I simply replied that I will return

his Thunder Bolt if he promised, in the future, to speak with me first before

using violence. Of course he agreed to these terms. What better deal

can a Knight find? After all, don't Knights honour their word?

Apparently not. Soon after taking the Thunder Bolt, Sir Leveran informed

me that his superiors have ordered him never to trade with Cartel. Ain't that

convenient! To tell me this AFTER the deal goes through! He further adds

that he cannot keep his side of the deal (i.e. talking before fighting), while

he fully expects for me to keep mine.

Ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous. He attacks me, gets his weapon back,

and then goes back on his word. I am severly disappointed by the

behaviour of this representative of the Knight cabal. Furthermore, I am

astounded by the Knights' lack of diplomatic courtesy. Not even an official

letter to Cartel and/or Syndicate, stating your policy?

I at least let people know when they're going to get be robbed, and what

they've done to deserve that treatment.

Korthian Milniaro

Merchant Trader, Outfitter of Aabahran

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[ 29] SIGIL Helmsley: Knight and Hope dealings with Cartel

Wed Oct 18 01:38:57 2006

To: Knight Hope Syndicate Cartel

Th'clanmembers o'Hope an' th Nites o'th'Crown ain't dealin' with

th'Cartel no longer. Any feller dealin' with Korthian, his minions, 'r any

o'th'headhunters'll have t'deal with meh personally. Take wut ye want,

Korthian, but yer pissin mer off. An' ye dun want th'battlebard on yer

arse, ye better keep yer hands outer our pockets.


Th'Dancin' Battlebard

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[ 18] SYNDICATE Korthian: Syndicate Advertisements

Mon Oct 30 08:46:45 2006

To: All

Want somebody beaten up? Or better yet, want somebody killed? If so,

then head on over to your nearest bounty headquarters now! This 100%

anonymous service provides you with the satisfaction of making your enemy's

life hell and getting some of their clothes.. QUALITY bounties only please.

Pitiful ones are ignored.

Want to make a quick coin? Or better yet, become wealthy beyond your

wildest dreams? If so, then come on down to Cartel headquarters and

register today! In-field MERCHANT training courses available for anyone

willing to put in just a few hours per day!

Want to be the bully on your block? Or better yet, want to be feared by

others? If so, then head on down to the Cartel headquarters and sign up

today! Our hands-on system allows you to easily demonstrate your capabilities.

Keep in mind that Syndicate currently seeks a BLADEMASTER.

Korthian Milniaro

Merchant Trader, Outfitter of Aabahran

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[ 14] SYNDICATE Korthian: A False Rumor

Fri Nov 3 08:33:21 2006

To: Cartel

It has been brought to my attention by more than one Cartelian that I

supposedly ordered the death of the slith thief Agaththka. I don't know who

started this rumor, but it is entirely untrue. While Agaththka may be a

member of Militia and tried to kill me, I always take care of my own


If you know how this rumor got started, notify me.

Korthian Milniaro

Merchant Trader, Outfitter of Aabahran

P.S. Yes, I killed Agaththka.

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[ 17] SYNDICATE Korthian: Merchant - Early Plans

Fri Nov 3 09:00:54 2006

To: Messalantha

I have been working on formalizing the Merchant sub-cabal of Syndicate.

Although these plans are still in their early stages, I would like to share

with you what I have so far. The bad news is: there is nothing spectacular.

The good news is: nothing spectacular means we could begin this early stage

of this plan very soon. Maybe... now?

Merchant Ranks:

Inductee - Lackey

Member - Courier

Veteran - Employee

Trusted - Manager

Elder - Tycoon

Merchant Abilities: [edited - these paragraphs gave away Syndicate abilities information and Merchant abilities information that we might actually want to use in the future]

What do you think?

Korthian Milniaro

Merchant Trader, Outfitter of Aabahran

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[ 16] SYNDICATE Korthian: A True Story

Fri Nov 3 19:09:46 2006

To: Cartel

I feel the need to relate this story to all Cartelians, to set the facts

straight. I recently slew (again) and completely disrobed Agaththka. Why?

Because he decided to jump me just after Jenaosae began to fight me. I

managed to get away (with both of them in pursuit), at which point the thief

(Agaththka is a thief, NOT a warrior) decided to threaten me. "You need not

die, just give me my stuff back" was the essence of it.

Well, I was not about to take lip from this fellow. But before I started my

search, lo and behold he found me! So, to make a long story short, I had

to kill him.

I tell you this because I do not want a bad reputation for Merchant. Know

that Agaththka was the aggressor and my actions were to a) save my own

life and B) prevent him from striking at me again. I assure you all that

Merchant is a purely defensive sub-cabal.

Korthian Milniaro

Merchant Trader, Outfitter of Aabahran

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Korthian-Player's note: "I wish I had more notes saved; nostalgia is good in small amounts. I stopped playing Korthian because I got tired of playing him. And I mean physically tired. Everytime I logged in, I had to first open two Word documents (one to check up on old transactions, one for current transactions), two Notepad documents (I sent out a receipt for every sale; I wrote my notes in paragraph-format in Notepad before copying and pasting), and of course a mud client (I'm used to Gmud). Add a Trib or two chasing me around. Add watching out for coup attempts. Finally, add multiple simultaneous conversations:

'Have you sold my Mara'deth Kier yet?'

'Can you locate a Banner of Illisidar for me?'

'What happened to KBS?' (this one was a killer; I was screaming in my head READ THE DAMN NOTES!!!!! but Korthian HAD to act all nice and stuff)

'Run while you can, little halfling. I will find you, arrest you, and have you executed soon enough."

'How's it going?'

It was still fun, but exhausting. Sometimes, playing Korthian actually felt like going to work.

Once again, thanks for the fun times. I have another project right now. See you on the inside."

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