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Fighting Battlemages. :(


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I found Invoker vs BMG to be easy as hell! Just Call lightning and watch as his armor arcs and does insane damage' date=' not to mention with a fully charged staff you can cast it almost every round![/quote']

You are all so silly. Should be a forum rule, if you don't know what you're talking about don't open your mouth. You know, for all argumental purposes. It kinda defeats the whole arguements that such and such is overpowered, or needs a slight tone when people say things like this. ;)

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Honestly, I see a bmg/voker battle going really, really fast, as both have a high damage output to one another. Invokers aren't known for their massive defense, and having blades and a mundane dancer would make for quite a bit of damage. Add in a blind, and the invokers going to be taking a lot of pain as well.

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QFT? Though a lvl 50 Invoker without a fully charged staff means likely the Invoker was probably just PKed. Otherwise though, an Invoker (those who know how to play them) can get a charged staff fairly quickly. Maybe not blink of the eye quick, but faster than those who don't know a thing about it. And those who know can't really say how on the forum so best place of information is asking another Invoker IG about it.

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I found that keeping at least one fully charged non-rare staff in a locker was essential for when you've just been full-looted. Whenever I didn't have one in my locker (which was often, I am so VERY lazy with things like this), I'd either have some PK downtime whilst I ran about charging it or it'd get me killed trying to do something silly. And on any note, once you experience casting with a fully charged staff, casting without one is annoying. ;)

Agreed with Pali for the Invoker VS BMG bit. As always, you can't say "Invoker > BMG" as there are too many factors to take into account, but generally speaking, I found Invoker to have an advantage over BMG in dealing damage faster than they could.

I found BMGs to be very strong against melees when I played about with one at pinn. And you know something must have an advantage over melees if I found them strong. ;)

Oh, and forgot to add:

You are all so silly. Should be a forum rule' date=' if you don't know what you're talking about don't open your mouth.[/b'] You know, for all argumental purposes. It kinda defeats the whole arguements that such and such is overpowered, or needs a slight tone when people say things like this. ;)

Why, exactly? If somebody posts something that sounds a bit wrong to you, you could always correct them and explain why you believe they're a little off in their theory instead of taking the elitist approach and shunning them for not having the uber pwnz0r knowledge you may have. Show people the error of their ways and it will benefit all who read. I know I wouldn't have learnt a few things if it wasn't for posting ideas and theories that were utter crap and having people explain to my why I was wrong. ;)

Not saying your theory was wrong, Wages, just making a general comment.


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Invoker vs BMG = BMG wins if they can eliminate call lightning. That's the only spell that's going to do them quick enough to cancel out the bmg's ability to attrition the voker.

Voker wins if they can draw the BMG out.

Either win if they cast a successful dispel magic and prevent the other from getting away.

It's the same argument for any mage fight.

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Lot of pain with a ranger, but you can ambush with a vuln weapon (they won't have sanctuary up all the time), and if you can throw do that against their vuln--they can stop the throw for lag but not for damage. This will do *** damage through sanctuary. Also thunderstorm as stated. And surprise is key--their spells are falling all the time so if you see them in a city and run in and nail them they may stay in battle and you can knock them out with a quick thunderstorm, lucky trip if they happen not to be flying, etc.

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Dey, the forum isn't here for me, or anyone else to tell you the RIGHT answer. In this case, it wasn't the oppinion they had stated that caused me to say that, it was the knowledge behind the spell they were using. At any rate, what I meant by that is this; when a topic comes up that something needs changing, we have players that have little to no knowledge of the said subject arguing for or against it.

Now I know this will always happen. You will have the majority being either ignorant, or biased, and the minority, the ones who know what they are talking about, being over shadowed.

Now I am not claiming to be in the all knowing category, but when certain topics come up that I know nothing about, I keep my mouth shut.

Again, no offense to anyone. As for bringing democracy into the topic, a little far fetched. FL isn't a democracy, has never been ran like one, and I doubt ever will. And where has democracy gotten us anyway?

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Invoker vs BMG = BMG wins if they can eliminate call lightning. That's the only spell that's going to do them quick enough to cancel out the bmg's ability to attrition the voker.

Voker wins if they can draw the BMG out.

Either win if they cast a successful dispel magic and prevent the other from getting away.

It's the same argument for any mage fight.

I've never beaten a bmg with an invoker by relying primarily on call lightning. I've also never lost to a bmg with an invoker.

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At any rate' date=' what I meant by that is this; when a topic comes up that something needs changing, we have players that have little to no knowledge of the said subject arguing for or against it. [/quote']

Fair point, but this thread isn't even about getting something changed, it's about advice for fighting BMGs. So if someone believes they know how to fight a BMG, and posts a theory that you think might not work, shooting it down claiming that they shouldn't speak if they don't know something doesn't really achieve anything. :cool:

And anyway, if it was a thread about changing something, if somebody thinks they know how a skill/spell works, they're naturally going to post thinking that what they're saying is right, even if they're wrong. Which is why these debates exist - someone brings up a point about skill X being weak, someone mentioned that skill X isn't weak, they just haven't explored it's uses enough. Original poster has learned something, everyone is happy.

Same situation, poster mentions that skill X is weak and needs boosting, and someone comes along saying that it should be a forum rule that you shouldn't post if you don't know what you're talking about. Not very helpful. ;)

Anyway, I've derailed this enough now. Apologies if you didn't mean to come off sounding elitist Iyorvin. I know where you're coming from, but if someone isn't quite sure of what they're talking about, at least help 'em out a bit. ;)

I'll buy you a pie, and I'll let you PK one of my characters. ;)


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insomnia = a bmage's bad day. A shaman can really end a bmage especially if the shaman has a nodrop shield. Nail a bmage with insomnia and that balance between maintaining shields and running out of mana just got shattered. Throw in Dysentery (for its mostly incurable nature) and the bmage should be running.

lead a battlemage to water if your melee you might be suprised. If he/she is hungry enough for a kill they just might chase you, amazing what difference losing that one defence does to them.

A monk Can give a bmage a very hard time, right stance, 100% anatomy and they might not get to move after you nullify their shields...which in the process of nullifying you toss out 1 - 2 rounds lag as well.

Though the most rewarding method, powerword kill, with Stytnlye I slew several with a few grasps and one well placed word. they get real cocky fighting your pets and not getting hurt because of their awesome melee defence. Two out of three kills against bmage's using PWK the mage didnt even see the grasps in all the spam. The third one did and tried to run but it only took one word.

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