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Skills gone up? A rant.


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Okay, so I hear all the hype of PK skill going up and everything. How about stupidity of people? That also rise? Out of four various characters, I've been asked by complete opposite alignments if I wanted to hunt, and not just lower levels. These happen at high levels as well. I swear, if I hear one more person wanting to rank with me that is the opposite align I might just find a damned neutral to do it with because holy hells it's a pain in the *** to rank up as is, but for someone to tease me into ranking because I'm opposite align? I hate you so much. It didn't just happen to me or anything, I've been meaning to post this for a week now. :P

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How do you mean by being dumb? Like going there to hunt and kill them then? Usually this happens to people outside my PK range, so that doesn't happen to me. They just piss me off and it really makes me think people are dumb because a simple who group will tell you who you can rank with and who you can't.

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There were those in 1.0 who would telll them to follow you and take them to the Keep to Mhrodren. Go one room east and tell them to go east.

I don't think stupidity is on the rise, I think its always been there. :D


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