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Zehava the Betrayer of Honor

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You are Zehava, loyal believer in way of Combat and powers of Knowledge.

Level 50, 84 years old (495 hours).

Race: ogre Sex: male Class: warrior

Hometown: ValMiran Alignment: Evil Ethos: neutral

Sadist of [REAVER] with 1177 souls to your name.

7 more hours must pass, before your cabal rank may change.

You have 900/1505 hit, 70/489 mana, 3/420 movement.

You have 0 practices and 0 training sessions.

You are carrying 0/36 items with weight 0/575 pounds.

Str: 24(24) Int: 19(19) Wis: 15(15) Dex: 18(18) Con: 15(24)

You have scored 376421 exp, and have 0 gold coins.

Condition: You have sustained some mortal injuries in your travels.

Luck: Your luck can turn either way.

Wimpy set to 50 hit points.

You are a ghost.

You are sleeping.

Armor: pierce: 100 bash: 100 slash: 100 magic: 100

Save vs Spell: 0 Affliction: 0 Malediction: 0 Mental: 0

You are defenseless against piercing.

You are defenseless against bashing.

You are defenseless against slashing.

You are defenseless against magic.

Hitroll: 11 Damroll: 13.

[NEXUS] forces are aiding your darker instincts.

You are affected by the following:

<900/1505 70/489 3/420> 12 D prac

axe 100 dagger 100 flail 100

mace 100 polearm 102 shield block 100

spear 100 sword 100 bash 100

berserk 100 dirt kicking 100 disarm 89

dodge 100 enhanced damage 100 hand to hand 100

kick 100 parry 100 rescue 83

trip 100 second attack 100 third attack 100

fast healing 103 haggle 87 lore 46

meditation 100 recall 100 xxx 45

dual wield 100 blind fighting 100 shield disarm 78

fourth attack 100 counter 100 charge 100

warcry 98 dual parry 100 riposte 100

staff 102 double grip 100 offhand disarm 75

two handed 100 xxx 76 xxx 45

fired weapons 100 pugil 100 whip mastery 100

polearm expert 100 staff expert 100 weapon lock 100

xxx 2

You have 0 practice sessions left.

I finally deleted. Never have I dedicated so much to my rp before out of all of my battles, the ones I remember most were from Vorteges and Enellelisell, these two were a major reason I decided to do everything I did. They weren't neccessarily the strongest pk'ers but it was their rp that intrigued me so much and made pk and my whole experience far more memborable. Theirs so much more I want to say but i'm at a loss for words now. In the end I got tired of the gimpness, and the constant gangings, I mean its nothing new to me, as the transition from warmaster to nexus was excruciatingly unbearable, only reason I didn't stick it out to condeath was because I felt Zehava fulfilled what he wanted. I also wanted to start on another character for a long time now but find it impossible with one still up and abouts. I reached my goals and therefore have no regrets. I got into warmaster, revived the cabal, betrayed and killed or outlived most of em, destroyed almost three cabals (but nexus wasn't going down without a fight.) I then got into Nexus. So I have no regrets. I went wayy farther than I ever thought I'd be able, especially with so much gimpness, and so many enemies, I think I actually reached a new level in pk and rp with Zehava and I guess I can thank the entire playerbase for turning me into the player (monster) that I am today.

Enellelisell sorry for all those medical bills, and making fun of you during our battles :) . But It was too funny not to, and all along I knew it was you Dey, I can just tell from your playstyle. Additionally we always seem to be on opposite sides.


Vorteges you almost ate Ghrantheeka, that had me dying laughing so hard for weeks.

Nixie sorry about all those times I had to kill you.

Anume if it weren't for you I wouldn't have stuck around for as long as I have.

Thorg haha sorry I got you back, but betrayed you. But hey, what are friends for ;) same to Dregor, Ghrantheeka, Rua and the other wms. Zehava felt like a real darth vader doing what he did to you guys, but in rl it was harder for me than you think.

Kyatha/Issassthys I really wanted to fight you guys as a warmaster but during that time I was going through some terrible lag, yet I stayed and took death after death even though I shoud have logged. It took about a month I think for it to clear up. I'm just sorry our fights weren't what I envisioned them to be.

Janjara we had some incredibly close fights and I actually didn't want to fight you during any of them. But our fights were definitely the closest.

Tribunal much to your surprise becoming an outlaw was not my intention at all.

I probably have more to say but this post is already as long as is.

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Did you do everything in 1 practice? It looks like some of those might have been done from just one practice. Did you ever try following your ghosts after they began walking somewhere? Could've been leaving presents to WM all the while since you did leave them.

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Yeah, I could see that being a problem. Never knew you got an align change and your hometown was Val, otherwise I would've mentioned you could've changed hometowns and I'm sure a few other people could've came to that same solution. No wonder you were severely gimped in that aspect. You basically had no hometown after that change.

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