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Qazki Mif


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| Qazki || the Angel of Arcana |
| Str: 14(14) || Level: 50 Sex: M Age : 116(72h) |
| Int: 25(25) || Class: invoker Ethos: lawful |
| Wis: 20(20) || Race : faerie Align: good |
| Dex: 23(23)^2 || Hp : 610/610 Exp : 21399/570601 |
| Con: 14(14)^2 || Mana : 1787/1787 |
\ Lck: [||||||] \/ Move : 422/422 +Hit: 10 +Dam: 8 /
| ARMOR || SAVES || Deity : Anithraril |
| Slash : -310 || Spell : -2 || Faith : Mystic |
| Pierce: -304 || Afflictive : -2 || Weight: 131/265 |
| Blunt : -312 || Maledictive: -18 || Items : 27/38 |
| Magic : -258 || Mental : -4 || Prac : 2 Train: 0 |
| || || Gold : 5399 |
/ Condition: You are in the prime of your health. \

armor 100 burning hands 100 call lightning 75
cancellation 100 chain lightning 75 control weather 100
create food 100 create spring 100 create water 1
detect invis 100 detect magic 100 dispel magic 100
enchant armor 100 enchant weapon 100 fireball 100
identify 100 infravision 100 invisibility 78
know alignment 1 lightning bolt 76 locate object 80
pass door 100 sanctuary 100 shield 83
teleport 75 word of recall 100 hurricane 76
dagger 100 mace 75 hand to hand 88
parry 100 second attack 91 fast healing 84
haggle 76 meditation 105 scrolls 75
staves 75 wands 75 recall 100
ice storm 100 protective shield 87 jet steam 75
mystic tendrils 100 ice shield 82 fire shield 81
mana shield 78 hellstream 100 knock 77
flame arrow 100 icicle 100 trance 100
staff 100 firestorm 76 mana charge 85
comprehend languages 75

Didn't go for very long with Qazki. Usually I stick to the RP side of this game (PK has always stresses me out, and it continues to, so I just keep away from it), but this was a ... technical experiment with a class I'd never played before. Had a two-round death to Zehava and some other people that I should have been able to really fight it out with as an invoker. Had more fun mastering skills than anything else. I put a Psi' application in and everything, but apparently you can't really get it without at least some PK. I do not have fun killing or getting killed; all the pleasure in PK is far too temporary and short-winded.

This is pretty much my last character. I've got Lifeguard duty all summer, and then college directly afterwards. I can't say that I'll leave for good, but I definately need to prioritize.

I'm takin' a break then. I'm still cooking up character ideas. :)

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Wise idea to put mud aside for the first year of college. I am willing to bet if we had a poll on, "Has FL/Mud addiction ever screwed you on grades" that the votes for yes would be rather high. I'd recommend staying away from "perpetual world" online gaming for the entire first year, lol, they have a notorious reputation of turning a passing student into a failing one, hehe.

Good luck over the summer, and good luck at college.

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I've always thought RP should be held higher than PK in everything no matter how piss poor you PK, you learn no matter if you're winning or losing. Never met the character, but props on playing a Faerie anything. They're probably one of my least favorite classes because of their lack of everything since there're much more viable races (Only good thing about them is their ability to have high armor and high intelligence and massive mana their HP hurts quite a bit because of it plus their ability to fly). Good to not play while in school because you may want to play more than you should. It's not something that should be priority like a lot of people end up doing because it's better than RL.

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I know, I realized you trained your mana instead of HP just by calculating it with the Intelligence and Wisdom and having played a Faerie myself before and based off how much mana I was getting a level and calculating it out to be right around 1400 mana. It's still enough to have a fully charged staff, I just can't play an Invoker I've already had a few of them in the past and don't need to play one now because I'm trying to familiarize myself with other classes that I either haven't played to 50 or that I have and only went around seeing what MOBs I could kill with them and the max saves/hit/dam I could get.

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