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I could be wrong... but as far as I'm aware, once a character is deleted, it's gone and can't be returned.



You can pull an old pfile and restore the character, though it will not be as recent as you would like.

If nothing else, they can make a new character and advance your skills to 75 and you get to retrain. Though there is usually a file recent enough to prevent that.

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I've only known of one person having this done and Virigoth did it not Behrens. Not sure if Behrens would do it, but he might if asked nice enough and donate $100 for the game. That will only get you your skills advanced to 10% though, need another $900 to bump it to all 100%.

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I've had a couple characters restored. One from a backed up file, and another time he was created from scratch with a couple skills set to master, another few set to 90, and the rest to 75. The latter occurred during some file corruption back in 1.0 that ruined a few characters.

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