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Fun RP, but I just don't have time to play anymore.

Anapolus -- good fight lol, I didn't delete because of the death, I actually intended to die tonight after fighting whoever was online (had just got done fighting Devinnah and attacked you while at 50% health and no shield)

I doubt I'll be around too much. I'm working two jobs now, just bought a '07 truck.

I have a few lowbies, mostly just to waste time with on training and ranking. Maybe once I can re-finance this truck I'll start playing again, but for now it's 6am-10pm work work work.

Hope the people I interacted w/ on Xyrthian enjoyed the mentally challenged RP I was going for.

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It's funny, but I have always had liked your characters from Galdora on.... As brash as you come off sometimes on the forum, your characters are great for the mud and they are the reasons some new players stay.

Good luck with the job and life of love.

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It's funny, but I have always had liked your characters from Galdora on.... As brash as you come off sometimes on the forum, your characters are great for the mud and they are the reasons some new players stay.

Good luck with the job and life of love.

I keep telling Malchaeius that I'm here for a reason.....

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Totally. Wish I had a camera phone, those water bubbles were the coolest thing(s) I've seen in a long, long time.

And someone said my characters are great for the MUD....I'm not sure what's cooler.....human water bubbles or a fanbase....

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Why do you have a phone in the shower?

I don't have a phone in the shower. Never said I had a phone in the shower.

What I did say was that I wish I had a camera phone.

Now, if you are wondering why I wish I had a camera phone, I can answer that.

To take pictures of cool things. Like, for instance......big, bulging bubbles of water trapped underneath my skin.

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It sounds fun, but it's a logistical nightmare.

I liked Xyrthian, make b-blah-hooods indeed. Good luck with your next.

I honestly have no idea where that came from. I made Xyrthian with no idea for RP at all....and then all of a sudden I was like let's stutter.

So I started stuttering and people gave me odd looks and called me stupid....then I was like...hell, let's just RP a mentally handicapped child....

And thus, Xyrthian was bugh...bugh.......b-bo....my character was born.

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Not if you have a big bathtug with water jets so you don't have to worry about the sloshing noise.

Oh yeah, and if you have a tub made for sex, like me, I know....bow down.

If you had it custom made... I would give you props. A loud tub.... that doesnt sound so hard to come by. im more worried about a lack of lube... is this getting to pg-13?

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  • 1 year later...

Not really. I've been reading all sorts of old posts and stuff. I was gone/absent for almost a year it looks like. Alot of people and stuff I missed out on...stuff I forgot even about my own characters, etc. Funny to read posts I made years and years ago and think about how much I have changed...good stuff.

Oh............and I really want my fix. :-(

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