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All the evidence Cerihk needs


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Atebos tells you 'You contest the validity of the library and Heralds'

You tell Atebos 'I contest documents from over four centuries ago, yes.'

Atebos tells you 'With what evidence or pretense'

You tell Atebos 'As much as the Library has supporting their own claims.'

Atebos tells you 'Centuries of journaled articles and interviews?'

You tell Atebos 'Let's say yes, I do.'

Atebos tells you 'You, a mere mortal cub, no older than a fraction of a fraction of time'

You tell Atebos 'I could put quill to parchment, just as any other scribe. '

Atebos tells you 'I doubt it.'

Atebos tells you 'Not any become Heralds'

You tell Atebos 'That is your argument? Perhaps this will be easier than I had anticipated.'

Atebos tells you 'You argue against a god, use logic to your advantage'

You tell Atebos 'My logic is sound. Faith is no logic.'

Atebos tells you 'Otherwise you may find that fate has a nasty habit of taking what it deserves.'

You tell Atebos 'Not every Herald you employ is pure and just.'

Atebos tells you 'Whom do you speak of, young man-cub'

You tell Atebos 'Krazien and Lohra, the twins.'

CLANCHAT Cerihk: 'I think this God may have a crush on me, though I am unfamiliar with

modern courting techniques.'

Atebos tells you 'And what is your qualm against these twins'

CLANCHAT Cerihk: 'By calling one a man-cub...what does that suggest?'

CLANCHAT Crasemir: 'That you are small.'

You tell Atebos 'They omitted evidence of my reign and left out crucial details in the Knights

campaign during that Age.'

Atebos tells you 'Your reign'

You tell Atebos 'My reign. I was once Archfiend Cehrik, General of the Forsaken. '

You tell Atebos 'However, this is not about pride as much as it is about the Knights

Atebos tells you 'The library holds the articles and scrolls that tell history as it was made out by

those whom were there'

You tell Atebos 'I was merely a boy as I watched their drunken soldiers take and abuse our sisters,

our daughters and wives. Molest them in front of us, blind with their own greed.'

Atebos tells you 'They do not write the exploits, false ones, that are envisioned by the chaotics

who care not for the recording of history'

You tell Atebos 'So you admit bias in the Heraldry?'

Atebos tells you 'It seems to me that you seek to exploit your accusations upon the library in order

to gain evidence of your envisioned glory days.'

CLANCHAT Cerihk: 'Let it be known, Atebos has admitted bias in the Heraldry.'

Atebos tells you 'I admit none'

Immortal IMM_TALKS: Wow, good timing.

You tell Atebos 'I speak no falsehoods or half-truths.'

You tell Atebos 'The Knights came seeking their treasure and stopped at nothing to find it.'

Atebos tells you 'If you were a Herald, then perhaps you would record such memories'

You tell Atebos 'Perhaps you should enlist me then, I would add several volumes to what is missing.

Atebos appears in a swirling mist.

You tell Atebos 'As a freelance writer, I would fill in what the those two bastards decided was fine

to leave out.'

Atebos says 'So you believe yourself to be a writer.'

Cerihk turns to Atebos, 'I've signed a few death warrants in my time.

You nod.

Atebos says 'In your total years of nineteen on the human calendar.'

Atebos seems thoughtful.

You say 'I have been reawoken for about that long, yes.'

Atebos supports his arm with his left hand while stroking his chin with his right.

You say 'Counting the time I seem to have spent rotting away in my burial tomb....I count nearly

five centuries.'

His right hand reaches up to his left arm as Cerihk pulls at his sagging flesh-suit.

Atebos begins to pace around you, drawing circles into the ground with every enflamed step of his


Cerihk mutters something about obese gravekeepers.

Cerihk looks around him suddenly, 'What is the meaning of this?

Atebos says 'So you accuse MY heralds of lies.'

Atebos says 'And conclude to biased writers.'

You say 'I accuse those two brothers, enlisted by the Heraldry some many hundred years ago, of

forgery and bias, yes.'

Atebos continues to pace you, ignoring the words streaming from your mouth.

Atebos says 'So I am to trust your word?'

Atebos says this to himself mostly.

Atebos taps one of his hooves on the ground. Sparks ignite and fly everywhere.

Cerihk shakes his head. 'I am not asking for anyone's trust. I do not need it. The Knights show

their true colors already.

Cerihk taps his chin thoughtfully, 'All the people need is a new way of thinking.

The room begins to heat up gradually with the pacing of the deity.

Atebos says 'Tell me.'

Atebos seems thoughtful and says, 'What death warrants?'

Atebos stops and faces you.

Atebos says 'They say that liars should have their tongues cut.'

Atebos says 'I however am not one for the cruel ways of the empirical mortals.'

His brow perks up slightly as he tries to recall events long past. Cerihk says, 'Captured patrols of

Knights seen raping and pillaging the towns they razed.'

Atebos flicks a golden strand held in its hand. A piercing sound vibrates through the air.

Cerihk looks all about himself carefully.

Atebos says 'Yes Cerihk.'

Atebos steps closer to you.

Atebos says 'Choose your next words carefully.'

Atebos seems utterly serious.

Cerihk stiffens his posture somewhat.

His right hand reaches up to his left arm as Cerihk pulls at his sagging flesh-suit.

A soft tinkling fills the air.

An Immortal drops a pool of liquid.

Cerihk flinches at the sudden movement.

Atebos tilts his head slowly to one side.

Atebos looks at you.

Atebos says 'Disgusting.'

Cerihk sighs, 'Yes, I know. Bah.

You say 'I am in the process of finding a more suitable skin. One with youth, and firm texture.'

Cerihk pulls at the skin above his knees, pulling it taut against his thigh bones.

Atebos says 'Perhaps.'

Atebos brings his chest up and reaches his full height.

Atebos says 'In the future.'

Atebos says 'I have forseen that you shall bring full evidence to any accusations you make.'

Atebos flicks his fingers as you feel your skin prickle.

Atebos says 'Do not fight it, it is your fate.'

Cerihk pinches at the flesh draped over his bones.

Atebos says 'You may think of it as a curse, but others may see otherwise.'

Atebos says 'Unless you have else to say, we are done here.'

Atebos begins to walk away, his hooves leaving melted spots in the ground.

Cerihk gets a quill and parchment from a sturdy backpack.

Suddenly stopping, Atebos says, 'For now.'

Atebos leaves in a swirling mist.

You say 'So, just to summarize - You admit that the Heraldry does not take kindly to what the public

views as liars and tends to ignore them, even with no evidence?'

Someone rides in.

You say 'Futher bias by two brothers of whom you have no record. And a history of Knights untold?'

Cerihk finishes his notes and stores them in a sturdy backpack.

Crasemir rides in.

Crasemir fills the barrel with milk from a pool of liquid.

Cerihk nods at Crasemir.

Crasemir nods.

Cerihk says 'Got your shield?'

Crasemir nods.

Crasemir wears the Iridescent Shield as a shield.

Cerihk agrees absolutely.

Crasemir sits down and rests.

The pool of liquid smells decidedly foul.

Crasemir says 'Now I'm looking for the knight.'

Cerihk groans. 'Well, whatever you do, don't drink from that pool.

Crasemir chuckles politely.

Immortal IMM_TALKS: That was priceless

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Creihk's Impression (Precurser to "All the Evidence Cerihk needs")

Shufei nods at you in agreement.

The Golden Banner of Val Miran flaps triumphantly in the city's glorious winds.

Cerihk nods solemnly. 'Patrolmen.

The Central Square of Val Miran

The Golden Banner of Val Miran blows in the wind here.

The official Tribunal Roll Call has been posted here.

A granite fountain is here filled with water for the thirsty.

(Charmed) (White Aura) A member of the Blood Guard protects his master.

Shufei the Indomitable Titan of the Order is here, sitting astride a warhorse.

[ Symbi ] [TRIBUNAL] Shufei the Indomitable Titan of the Order

Cerihk taps his chin thoughtfully. 'Your banner has changed since I last saw it, Justice.

Shufei raises a brow 'Oh?

Cerihk snorts. 'Has the law changed so much in the past four centuries?

Shufei continues to look upon you in confusion.

His left hand reaches his right arm as Cerihk pushes some drooping skin back up to it's proper


Cerihk shrugs. 'I suppose there is much I will have to discover again in this Age I have awoken in.

Cerihk grumbles and mutters something about obese gravekeepers.

Shufei nods 'The world is an ever changing place, we must keep up with it or fall behind.

Shufei seemingly whispers in two separate voices ' indeed.

You say 'Yes, well. It suited me at the time. I will have to fashion a new suit. Perhaps this time a

more athletic human can farmed.'

You say 'You can imagine my form as I was awoken in my tomb.'

Shufei raises a brow yet again 'A form? your tomb? You aren't human you are?

Cerihk thinks on it a moment. 'I...I'm not quite sure what I am. I was human, when I reigned. I

imagine I still am now.

Cerihk shrugs. 'Seemed proper to drape the flesh of a human across my bones.

Shufei grimaces in pain, a look of empathy upon his face 'No that is not proper, it is evil.

His armors appear to pulsate rapidly, as if speaking with Shufei ' why would you do that?

Cerihk taps his chin thoughtfully. 'Well, it would not be tasteful to stand here before you naught

but bones and worms.

His armors appear to pulsate rapidly, as if speaking with Shufei ' how could you parade around upon

another's demise?

Cerihk frowns. 'I do not take glory in the simpleton's death.

Shufei seemingly whispers in two separate voices ' bones and worms do not scare us, though it may


Cerihk dismisses the argument altogether. 'You have the Heralds to thank for this, I assure you.

Shufei seemingly whispers in two separate voices ' you blame the heralds rather than yourself?

Cerihk grumbles. 'As the cancer consumed me, I greeted Death with pleasure and rested. Now, here I

am, because of them.

Shufei seemingly whispers in two separate voices ' most would fear the threat of cancer.

Cerihk shrugs and thinks back to his former life. 'After my time as Archfiend and my countless

victories...my time had come. Death was a welcomed reward.

Shufei nods 'Than you have come to accept it.

Shufei seemingly whispers in two separate voices ' yet you still stand before us. What's made this


Cerihk chortles. 'I had. Though here I am, awakened only to realize my existance, my legacy...erased

from the history books, replaced with lies. Manufactured, the Heralds did, this truth.

Shufei seemingly whispers in two separate voices ' the Herald are not known to fabricate the truth.

Shufei seemingly whispers in two separate voices ' by what name were you known before?

Cerihk smirks. 'And who told you that? The Heralds?

You chuckle politely.

Cerihk replies, 'Cerihk, as I've always been.

Shufei smirks 'We see their work for ourselves, their virtues of honesty and journey for the truth

is well known by all.

Cerihk says 'Appearances can be deceiving...' as he casually presses the drooping skin up upon his


Shufei grimaces painfully at the thought.

You say 'Perhaps times have changed indeed, but I assure you, the Heralds, and the Knights for that

matter, are far different than what history woudl have you believe.'

You say 'My people were single handedly butchered by the Knights on their so-called quest for the

Crown. Yet history would make you believe they are Righteous, Immortal-fearing bringers of hope and


You say 'Bah!'

Shufei seemingly whispers in two separate voices ' history does have a way to delute the truth over

the decades.

You say 'Sadly, it took only a few years for these lies to be scribed onto the library's parchments


You say 'In order to save the people from fear and to restablish the morale of the citizens, my

exploits were left untold, and the reputation of the Knights was written with most beautiful and

perfect deceit.'

You say 'To say I rolled over in my grave is quite the understatement.'

Cerihk eyes his surroundings. 'Is there a place in your town that sells food?

The Blood Guard says 'They sure must've been scared of you.'

Cerihk chuckles. 'I am unsure if I even remember what my favorite is.

Fayette's Butchery

This citizen seems to be doing quite well.

An unlucky beggar hopes for your goodwill.

Fayette the meat cutter is here gracefully chopping ducks.

The Central Square of Val Miran

You stand amid the central square of Val Miran. All around you colos

The Golden Banner of Val Miran blows in the wind here.

The official Tribunal Roll Call has been posted here.

A granite fountain is here filled with water for the thirsty.

(White Aura) Oppressant the Holy Shaman is here in a watchtower.

(Charmed) (White Aura) A member of the Blood Guard protects his master.

A resident of Val Miran goes about his business.

(Charmed) (White Aura) A member of the Blood Guard protects his master.

Shufei the Indomitable Titan of the Order is here, sitting astride a warhorse.

You eat a roasted duck.

You are full.

Oppressant looks at you.

Oppressant gallantly tips his hat.

Shufei bows humbly at Oppressant 'Master Oppressant, welcome.

Cerihk turns to the Blood Guard. 'They were, but not by my choosing. I only defended my homeland

against the tyranny of the Knights. As anyone would do that loved their people.

The Blood Guard says 'But why were the Knights fighting your people?'

Akhagrik utters nonsense rapidly as he etches a small passage into his arm.

Akhagrik says 'Why, oh why is it....'


Cerihk smirks. 'They called it their Quest for Holy Place.

Akhagrik says 'Why is it you always stand watch for Val Miran?'

Cerihk thinks back to a time long ago. 'They let nothing stand in their way of their greed and


Akhagrik peers slowly at Oppressant.

Cerihk shrugs. 'Your history books will tell you that it was my armies that were so evil...but I

assure you, the Knights were far more villanous than we.'

Shufei looks upon Akhagrik 'We patrol each of the cities but we've always been fond of Val Miran, we

afterall grew up here.

Akhagrik holds up one finger and says, ' Not you Shufei.

Akhagrik says 'I can understand your purpose.'

Akhagrik grumbles and growls. You wonder what's wrong...

Cerihk reaches to his left leg and pulls at the loose skin that has sagged to his ankle.

The Blood Guard says 'Oh that interestin, history say Knights fight for good.'

Cerihk chuckle. 'Yes, for their own good.

Akhagrik sits down and thinks deeply.

Cerihk frowns and nods simultaneously. 'The Knights will stop at nothing to find what they seek. Yet

they tell you their quest is for the good of all.

Akhagrik give a polite little chuckle.

The Blood Guard says 'Wonder what your army did that make the Knights mad.'

Cerihk frowns. 'We did nothing. They marched into our land and told us it was theirs to set defenses

and castles in.

Cerihk chortles. 'Buried under our sands, they said, was their treasure.

Cerihk sighs. 'They took our women for themselves, drunken with ale and blind with greed, they raped

our daughters, our wives.

Akhagrik says 'Sounds for a pleasent evening.'

Akhagrik wipes the sweat from his brow.

Akhagrik says 'I do not always feel the need for murder.'

The Blood Guard says 'Where was the order?'

Akhagrik says 'But now that I know I am being watched...'

The Blood Guard groans loudly.

Akhagrik grins and says, ' I can barely hold back from temptation.

Akhagrik licks his mouth and smiles.

Shufei seemingly whispers in two separate voices ' we are always watching.

Shufei peers deeply into Akhagrik's eyes.

Akhagrik approaches Shufei and exclaims, 'We all must sleep titan...

Cerihk chortles. 'Yes, so you see....history, or so it as told by the Heralds, is quite the fiction.

Shufei seemingly whispers in two separate voices ' perhaps it would be wise to rid yourself of these

tempations Akhagrik?

The Blood Guard says 'Well Herald be smart people, maybe you lyin to us right now.'

Cerihk reaches for yet another drooping flap of flesh. 'I must work on these stitchings.'

Akhagrik smirks at Shufei's saying.

Akhagrik sits down and rests on a granite fountain.

Cerihk shrugs. 'Maybe. I do not expect for you to believe me, you have a mind of your own.

The Blood Guard says 'How we supposed to know you tellin the truth Cerihk?'

Cerihk half-laughs and half-frowns. 'I am sure your experiences with the Knights, if you truly think

of them, will lead you to see the truth eventually.'

Akhagrik lets his index finger dip into the fountain.

[Oppressant] 'He knows they are all wrong.'

Oppressant smiles happily.

Shufei nods at you 'Please pick up after youself, we would not want to scare the children.

[Oppressant] 'Shufei can talk all he wants, but he has captured many Knights - I trust his choices.'

Oppressant smiles at you.

Cerihk nods in Oppresant's direction. Holding sagging portions of his fleshy suit in both hands, Cerihk turns to leave. 'I will speak with

you all again sometime, but I must take care of this.

Oppressant looks at you.

Shufei sighs 'Though they may have been Knights they do not always act as virtuous peoples their

banner have produced over the centuries.

Shufei bows before you.

You tell Oppressant 'I would be most interested in conversation with you, should your being consider

it worthwhile.'

CLANCHAT Akhagrik: 'Swaying the Trubunes emotions is a formiddable task, I fear

preachings would do little.'

[Oppressant] 'I agree.'

CLANCHAT Cerihk: 'I seem to be making an impression. Stay alive, young warrior. We will

meet again.'

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