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Death of Morlhach & Thulgan, Birth of Erelei


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Morlhach had gained the powers of Necropsy as a trade off for his aid to slay the god Orderan. Eventually, Anume decided it was time to reunite the trinity of Death, and thus she attacked Morlhach. Morlhach was gravely wounded in that battle and hid for a time in the body of a mortal psi of the Savant tower. The mind of the psi soon gave out and insanity took over and so Morlhach was bannished to an even more incorporeal form. His followers Ildraeic and Apozaelisosh performed a ritual, meant to gain Morlhach power and  restore him to his former might. The ritual indeed siphoned power to Morlhach but it was not enough to restore him. Anume sent her followers out to hunt Morlhach yet it was a pack of hellhounds who finally tracked Morlhach down and cornered him long enough for Anume to engage him again.


[Volgathras (Demonic)] 'To act as one of my own. What is mine, remains mine. Your soul is consigned to the Rift upon passing, where perhaps you will be reborn as a demon in ages hence.' <- Horrible notion for Thulgan. He detests demons almost as much as elves. As Anume is also after his soul, Thulgan decides to take precautionary measures. He charges the Well of Souls, an artifact of Anume with the power of Orderan's heart, redirecting its connection to - hopefully - lead any soul it touches directly to the cyle, to be reborn in time. He later on tests the artifact on his dead twin's soul, it seems to work.


Anume has cornered Morlhach and wounds him gravely, Morlhach falls back, bleeding, into the arms of his follower Ildraeic, taking both to the dragon tower in the shadow grove. Green lightning can be seen over the grove and more and more people make their way there. Morlhach tries to regain some of his power by feeding on anyone available, resulting in sevaral warmasters becoming temporarily undead. Thulgan also arrives at the site, and at first takes Morlhach's side, as he is opposing Anume. (My enemy's enemy might as well be my ally.) Morlhach however simply decides to take over Thulgan's body and make Thulgan his vessel. As soon as Morlhach's essence enters Thulgan's body, the Well of Souls power is triggered however, as the artifact was tuned to avoid Thulgan ever becoming a demon, thus sharing his body with other souls. Thulgan's soul is ripped from his body and directly joins the cycle. Thulgan's last word is 'Shareia', the name of his dead wife. Morlhach takes over Thulgan's body, but with the original soul being wrenched from it so violently, the body starts to decompose at an incredible rate, damaging Morlhach. (Maybe the Well of Souls played a part in this too, trying to drag Morlhach to the Cylce as well.) The warmasters Karishin, Pew and Nurrog, as well as the Knights Ashuga and Tarsonis start to battle the Morlhach possessed Thulgan. Eventually, Nurrog manages to kill Thulgan and trophies him, ripping out his spine. The body of Thulgan stops decaying almost immediately and it remains, somewhat preserved, in the holy grove.

The god of Purity Drokmar shows up at the scene. It pains Drokmar to fully appear as he is no longer of this dimension. Erelei, the Unborn, also is drawn there and together they contemplate Thulgan's body.

A black ooze drains from the corpse, and Erelei grabs hold of it. It's writhing, twisting, and has a more tarry look than ooze. Erelei closed his eyes as Drokmar appeared and the ooze turned white, stopped writhing, and slowly disintegrated into dust. (most likely where Morlhach actually ceased to exist in corporeal form here) Erelei is still absent minded, not really of the world, as he surveys those before him. That's when the spine of Thulgan came alive when Nurrog wore it, strangling him; Drokmar saved Nurrog, twisting the spine and giving it to Erelei. The mixture of the golden dust from the black tar and the spine create raw power - dark power ascends to the heavens while the rest, white crystalline power enters Erelei. 

Erelei grows to roughly 6 foot tall. Muscle bulges from his arms, and he gains form and features. He creates the scythe made out of light with the Oppressor's Maestral (Morlhach's old weapon) by disintegrating it in his hands and drawing power from Purity. Erelei is then realized, and suddenly becomes aware. Seeing darkness before him along with his Avatars angers him, and he departs into a thousand tiny motes of light.

He takes over the Mantle of Purity from Drokmar, who fades away again as he is no longer needed. Anume once more has souvereinty over all three powers of death, yet a mighty new opponent to her power has risen.







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