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Create your own customized armor


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Even if all gear is toned down custom EQ still cannot compete because it has no innate armor values.

Let's say a melee makes a breastplate. You could have 2 hit 2 dam and -20 ac. That's worse than a Rheydin T-shirt because of the way ac is multiplied.

The only viable custom eq is situational rings light or earring. But even then most combos could find better options.

Edited by Manual Labour
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Here's an example of the Heirloom before the change:

Object 'masterfully crafted leather gold vargo family heirloom bracer' is type armor, material leather.
Extra flags: none.
Weight is 6.5, value is 4, level is 50.
Armor class is 6 pierce, 5 bash, 7 slash, and 15 vs. magic.
Affects hitroll by 2.
Affects damroll by 1.
Affects mana by 10.
Affects hp by 10.
Affects move by 10.
Affects luck by 1.
Affects savingspell by -5.
Affects savingmental by -2.
Rare item.

Heirloom after the change:

Object 'masterfully crafted leather gold vargo family heirloom bracer' is type armor, material leather.
Extra flags: none.
Weight is 6.5, value is 4, level is 50.
Armor class is 6 pierce, 5 bash, 7 slash, and 15 vs. magic.
Affects hitroll by 2.
Affects mana by 10.
Affects hp by 10.
Affects move by 10.
Affects luck by 1.
Affects savingmental by -2.
Affects damroll by 2.
Affects savingspell by -1.
Rare item.

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Do we really want the items to be best in slot? 

If they become best in slot then it's just the melee rp necklace issue all over again. 

Owner only and colours should have some value too. 

That being said, I do think they need some baseline armour otherwise people will only ever get jewellery and lights. 

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14 minutes ago, Manual Labour said:

Post nerf it is still an 11 point item plus the ac values. So it is at least twice as good as any RP wrist item you could make.


4 minutes ago, Wade said:

Do we really want the items to be best in slot? 

If they become best in slot then it's just the melee rp necklace issue all over again. 

Owner only and colours should have some value too. 

That being said, I do think they need some baseline armour otherwise people will only ever get jewellery and lights. 

I think with the astronomical cost its ok.  I mean the second item is double the price.   Maybe make better and limit one per character, like the rp necklaces. 

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I don't think they should be best in slot.

The owner only definitely adds value.

But the cost is astronomical, it is highly unlikely anyone would earn enough RP to get more than 2 or 3 of these items in a character lifetime.

If you buy the necklace and two custom items that's 580 RP. You add a third custom item and you're looking at a total of 1030 RP.

Considering that I think the item should at LEAST have a base AC, and maybe allow 7 or 8 points of stuff on it I dunno.

edit: The RP necklace has a value of approximately 16 points btw, so these items would never reach that level of power.

Edited by Manual Labour
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Many times I wanted the item I created to be more of a reflection of my rp. But it just wasn't a good idea from a pk perspective due to  the point restrictions on the slots I wanted to put them in. This is why I feel like slots should have certain points available to them as well as costs. Ring, earring, and finger being having maybe 6 points available to them at 150rp. Wrist having 7 points, at 175rp. Others having 10 points at 200rp. I feel like this encourages more of these items made, meaning more rp value without pk limitations and more of the high end gear available for others. Win win for everyone :)

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I had one of those on Kotrag, was planning to get a second one, but 300 RP for something that's just as good as something else for the slot is a bit too much.

IMO, stats are fine. There are still a couple of slots where these make sense, somewhat.

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I just wanted items that supported my roleplay without having to shoot myself in the foot for 150 rp points points. My current rare chest armor gives a total of -80 to -100 AC just from the innate stats, on top of which its saves and other bonuses would be worth the full 6 points. My leg armour is only roughly 40ish in AC across the board and has about 8 points of stats, on top of skill modifiers and an usable effect. Boots contribute even less to AC, but I'm still looking at a net loss for an item that is not cheap to get.

I guess I would prefer the armour slots (rings/neck/earring are fine as is) to have base armour so they're actually competitive/viable/not-a-handicap for such a huge time investment. 150 rp points is pretty significant after all.

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28 minutes ago, Anume said:

Un-destroyable, un-lootable items that pop up at the pit with you when you die aren't that bad.

Nobody said they are bad.

But they are barely viable outside of a few select slots.

They are also probably over priced.

Let's say someone miraculously had enough RP for a full set of custom EQ. They would look very cool, they would never lose their set of armor, and they would be complete and utter PK fodder.

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Ok I crunched some numbers. If you got 18 pieces of custom EQ (including a floatie, so no bow or shield is worn) it would cost 25,650 RP. It would net you 108 points worth of EQ.

Let's look at a few examples of what that could do.

A melee could have 54 hit 54 dam, 0 saves, and no AC outside of what they get from dex. Not very viable at all.

You could go for something more balanced, lets say -25 save vs spell, -150 ac, and 34 hit 34 dam. This balanced distribution is still not very competitive so never being looted is hardly worth it. You could have better stats as a moderate in nothing but common EQ.

Are there any examples where this could be exploited? Maybe.

An assassination ninja could have 108 hitroll. You could forsake all other stats and possibly be an assassination monster, might be OP.

An Invoker could get a bonus 1,080 HP, OR 1,080 AC. The right race might actually work with one of these setups. A high dex race with the latter build could end up with like -1200 AC, albeit probably in the neighbourhood of 900 HP at best. Might be very strong since Invokers do not need any other stats to scale, but they would suffer very badly against any other spell casters with 0 saves and a low HP pool. The former invoker could potentially be walking around with 2k HP. Of course again you'd have no saves, and no AC, but a huge HP pool to survive on while spamming spells. Who knows it could potentially be OP, especially with a shit ton of curables.

These are the only cases I can think of where 18 custom items might be viable or even OP. The problem of course is, where are you going to get 25k+ RP?

Can you guys think of any other potentially viable or OP combos using 108 EQ points?

Also, is there any balanced build I am missing here? I really think the balanced builds are the worst. I also see no point in going for specialized saves, even though you could get up to -324 saves vs aff/mal/men/bre if desired.

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1 hour ago, Anume said:

Un-destroyable, un-lootable items that pop up at the pit with you when you die aren't that bad.

Which is why these items are great for rings, light, and necklaces. There are some better options for these slots depending on your class, but the owner only and custom item is just really neat. Picking a chest slot is a terrible choice due to the sheer AC you gain from it, but even legs/arms/hands/feet doesn't match up to 'basic' equipment at 50 since they lack inherent armor. If I wanted a chest item and put only -AC on it, it would still provide less protection and have no other stats on it at all.

I guess I kinda wanted to be able to get an item for one of those slots and not feel like I was wasting rp points (unlike getting the earring or light, for certain classes). I don't want the items to compete with the unique top tier items, but it'd be kinda nice customizing a chest armour and be able to wear it in pk.

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I don't know if the RP items were ever meant to be best in slot. I think that might be a bit misconstrued. While we (myself certainly included) as players want to power game or minmax to get the most bang for our buck, these items are inherently created for RP. If it doesn't measure up to another item in game, at least these RP items would be a good replacement buffer in case you get your godpiece looted. That being said, we have found the most useful slot for these items (Earrings, lights, maybe rings) but that shouldn't complete disqualify a leg piece, for example, if the actual RP behind the piece demands it be a leg piece. 

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