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Hey guys, 


You're probably wondering what just happened. You've lost a day or two of posts, and that was unfortunately on purpose. I'm currently testing an upgrade of InvisionPower (our board software). There's so many cool and new features, and I wanted to make sure the transition of said move was seamless. It was, thankfully, but as it were, some things didn't work correctly enough for me to restore from a recent backup.


That said, I want to hear everyone's thoughts on the new software. A few new things it'll include:


Clubs: these are actually 'mini communities' within the community, which means regular users can create them and moderate them. Think of them as clans on the website. I'm not sure if there would be any use regarding this, but it would be fun to tamper with and play around with.
Blogs: they updated these significantly, enough to perhaps replace the home page instead of using the 'article format' I'm using now.

You can read up on all the updates here: https://invisioncommunity.com/news/invision-community-42-r1030/

Also, let's hear some ideas on how we should have the home page, and how things should look. I know some people despise change, but we definitely need a front page, as well as a fluid, same-look website (hence the Wiki integration). Please put up your ideas here. Also: if you're wanting to help by providing content, want to run a front page blog, and/or want to submit articles for helping newbies, etc, that'll be visible on our new front page, send me a message.


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