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Where will you stand?


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The Siege is over, Val Miran's Western Gate is destroyed and the Eastern Gate has been breached.

As more and more forces are converging on the City, some openly, some hidden from everyone, it is time to make YOUR move.

To the West, WATCHER forces have entered the city alongside the Ratmen, fighting the combined Tribunal Forces of the Righteous Palm and Crimson Fist in the street. WARMASTER banners are flying just outside the gate, but so far they have made no move to join the conflict.

To the East, the Feral Nation got tired of waiting and besieging, and simply stormed the Eastern Gate and the City's Wall one night, suffering heavy losses but gaining access to the city. The KNIGHT forces have reached the crossroad, but just like the WARMASTERS they have yet to commit to battle.

On silent feet, elven assassins have entered the city, answering to the KNIGHTs call.

Far to the east, a self-crowned Emperor is scheming, while to the south of Miruvhor, Elementals are charging up with the Power of Time and getting ready. For what though?

The Tribunal forces are busy trying to defend Val Miran, though so far none of the Officers has undertaken any great efforts to hold the city or even throw back the attackers. The Segregation of Miruvhor has been mostly ignored. A few zombies have been seen, rigged up with explosives, taking out a part of the feral forces as well as most of the KNIGHT cavalry.

In Fort Blackwatch, refugees are amassing and first efforts to better their situation have been undertaken, though the road north is blocked to them by roaming zombies, some of them former KNIGHTS. KNIGHT has not seen fit to deal with this situation yet, maybe hesitant to dispatch their own former Praetorians. Dwarven masons and MERCHANTS have arrived in Blackwatch, giving the refugees some hope for a better future, or a future for them at all. Some of the refugees have taken on the MERCHANT Princess' offer and have started on the long and dangerous track to Raladria to hopefully find a new home there.

Hidden from all, an un-assuming man watches it all, waiting for JUST the right time to get his own plans into motion.

And somewhere else completely, yet another Rune of Holding breaks. A pair of glowing eyes open, slowly.





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