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Misc Blademaster stuff


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An entire class in XML.
Create a blank class, open the XML tab, click in the window, ctrl+a, paste and save.
Currently set up for toolbar 2, which you can change to suit your preferences.  You may need to have the toolbar docked on the right or left as is.  Adjustments are needed for top/bottom.  In the screenshot: Preferences -> User Interface -> Buttons -> Toolbar 2: Right.

In this class, we have:

  • An instant encumbrance reference listing how much weight you can hold in various slots every time you look at your equipment
    • Works for monks, too
    • Trigger turns itself off
    • Second trigger turns the first on when and only when your character name matches the @character variable.  This way you can move it to a generic class (folder) and not worry about seeing it unless you're on your blademaster/monk.
      • The @character variable must be set for this to work.
  • Gauges for your anatomies (color and max currently needs adjusting manually should your needs change for expertise/mastery/both)
    • Light green for every anatomy below 100
    • Dark green for every anatomy at 100
    • Current setup has yellow for demihuman and giant expertise 
    • Current setup has orange for beast mastery
  • The alias resetanat will update your anatomy levels the next time you check your score.  Good for new/multiple MON/BLM characters.
  • Push buttons that indicate minimum anatomy needed for each critical strike, color coded for standard, expertise, mastery and expertise+mastery.
    • Buttons also include effects of each critical strike (may not be 100% accurate).  Most of these courtesy of @f0xx's blademaster guide.
    • Will send the relevant command to the MUD when clicked.
  • Required Variables

For reference:



<class name="Blademaster" enabled="false" id="2083">
  <button autosize="false" width="150" height="20" toolbar="2" inset="true" toolstyle="true" color="green" priority="80" id="2391">
    <caption>000 - CHEST:              Damage</caption>
    <value>#SEND Critical chest</value>
  <button autosize="false" width="150" height="20" toolbar="2" inset="true" toolstyle="true" color="green" priority="82" id="2393">
    <caption>020 - STOMACH:          Hunger</caption>
    <value>#SEND Critical stomach</value>
  <button autosize="false" width="150" height="20" toolbar="2" inset="true" toolstyle="true" color="green" priority="84" id="2394">
    <caption>040 - LEGS:                      -DEX</caption>
    <value>#SEND Critical legs</value>
  <button autosize="false" width="150" height="20" toolbar="2" inset="true" toolstyle="true" color="green" priority="86" id="2398">
    <caption>060 - HEAD:                   -Mana</caption>
    <value>#SEND Critical head</value>
  <button autosize="false" width="150" height="20" toolbar="2" inset="true" toolstyle="true" color="green" priority="88" id="2399">
    <caption>075 - WRISTS:            Weaken</caption>
    <value>#SEND Critical wrists</value>
  <button autosize="false" width="150" height="20" toolbar="2" inset="true" toolstyle="true" color="green" priority="90" id="2400">
    <caption>090 - FEET:                Caltrops</caption>
    <value>#SEND Critical feet</value>
  <button autosize="false" width="150" height="20" toolbar="2" inset="true" toolstyle="true" color="yellow" priority="92" id="2401">
    <caption>101 - KIDNEYS:             Poison</caption>
    <value>#SEND Critical kidneys</value>
  <button autosize="false" width="150" height="20" toolbar="2" inset="true" toolstyle="true" color="yellow" priority="94" id="2402">
    <caption>104 - TEMPLE:             Telelock</caption>
    <value>#SEND Critical temple</value>
  <button autosize="false" width="150" height="20" toolbar="2" inset="true" toolstyle="true" color="yellow" priority="96" id="2403">
    <caption>107 - DIAPHRAGM:    Med Lag</caption>
    <value>#SEND Critical diaphragm</value>
  <button autosize="false" width="150" height="20" toolbar="2" inset="true" toolstyle="true" color="yellow" priority="98" id="2404">
    <caption>110 - EYES:                      Blind</caption>
    <value>#SEND Critical eyes</value>
  <button autosize="false" width="150" height="20" toolbar="2" inset="true" toolstyle="true" color="orange" priority="100" id="2405">
    <caption>113 - HEART:           Spellbane</caption>
    <value>#SEND Critical heart</value>
  <button autosize="false" width="150" height="20" toolbar="2" inset="true" toolstyle="true" color="orange" priority="102" id="12776">
  <caption>116 - LUNGS:    Move Damage</caption>
  <value>Critical lungs</value>
  <button autosize="false" width="150" height="20" toolbar="2" inset="true" toolstyle="true" color="orange" priority="104" id="2406">
    <caption>119 - SPLEEN:             Drained</caption>
    <value>#SEND Critical spleen</value>
  <button autosize="false" width="150" height="20" toolbar="2" inset="true" toolstyle="true" color="orange" priority="106" id="2407">
    <caption>120 - SOLAR PLEXUS: Hvy Lag</caption>
    <value>#SEND Critical solarplexus</value>
  <button autosize="false" width="150" height="20" toolbar="2" inset="true" toolstyle="true" color="maroon" priority="108" id="2408">
    <caption>121 - AORTA:                 Bleed</caption>
    <value>#SEND Critical aorta</value>
  <button autosize="false" width="150" height="20" toolbar="2" inset="true" toolstyle="true" color="maroon" priority="110" id="2409">
    <caption>126 - INTESTINE:         Plague</caption>
    <value>#SEND Critical intestine</value>
  <button autosize="false" width="150" height="20" toolbar="2" inset="true" toolstyle="true" color="maroon" priority="112" id="2410">
    <caption>130 - BRAIN:             Paralyze</caption>
    <value>#SEND Critical stomach</value>
  <button type="Gauge" autosize="false" width="150" height="15" toolbar="2" inset="true" toolstyle="true" color="green" gaugelowcol="#99CC00" gaugebackcol="silver" priority="58" id="2423">
    <caption>"Mob": @AnatMob</caption>
  <button type="Gauge" autosize="false" width="150" height="15" toolbar="2" inset="true" toolstyle="true" color="green" gaugelowcol="#99CC00" gaugebackcol="silver" priority="74" id="2424">
    <caption>Unique: @AnatUnique</caption>
  <button type="Gauge" autosize="false" width="150" height="15" toolbar="2" inset="true" toolstyle="true" color="yellow" gaugelowcol="#99CC00" gaugebackcol="silver" priority="62" id="2425">
    <caption>Elf: @AnatElf</caption>
  <button type="Gauge" autosize="false" width="150" height="15" toolbar="2" inset="true" toolstyle="true" color="green" gaugelowcol="#99CC00" gaugebackcol="silver" priority="64" id="2426">
    <caption>Dwarf: @AnatDwarf</caption>
  <button type="Gauge" autosize="false" width="150" height="15" toolbar="2" inset="true" toolstyle="true" color="yellow" gaugelowcol="#99CC00" gaugebackcol="silver" priority="66" id="2427">
    <caption>Demihuman: @AnatDemihuman</caption>
  <button type="Gauge" autosize="false" width="150" height="15" toolbar="2" inset="true" toolstyle="true" color="yellow" gaugelowcol="#99CC00" gaugebackcol="silver" priority="68" id="2428">
    <caption>Giant: @AnatGiant</caption>
  <button type="Gauge" autosize="false" width="150" height="15" toolbar="2" inset="true" toolstyle="true" color="#FF9900" gaugelowcol="#99CC00" gaugebackcol="silver" priority="70" id="2429">
    <caption>Beast: @AnatBeast</caption>
  <button type="Gauge" autosize="false" width="150" height="15" toolbar="2" inset="true" toolstyle="true" color="green" gaugelowcol="#99CC00" gaugebackcol="silver" priority="72" id="2430">
    <caption>Flying: @AnatFlying</caption>
  <button type="Gauge" autosize="false" width="150" height="15" toolbar="2" inset="true" toolstyle="true" color="green" gaugelowcol="#99CC00" gaugebackcol="silver" priority="60" id="2431">
    <caption>Human: @AnatHuman</caption>
  <button type="Separator" autosize="false" width="150" height="15" toolbar="2" textcolor="None" priority="76" id="2432">
  <trigger name="EqEncumber" type="Loop Lines" param="14" priority="24380" enabled="false" id="2438">
    <pattern>~<worn (*)~>%s</pattern>
#SWITCH ($Encumbrance)
 ("on head") {
      #PSU {$Encumbrance} 6 12
      #PSU {%ansi(cyan)5} 21 21}
 ("on torso") {
      #PSU {$Encumbrance} 6 13
      #PSU {%ansi(cyan)15} 20 21}
 ("on arms") {
      #PSU {$Encumbrance} 6 12
      #PSU {%ansi(cyan)10} 20 21}
 ("on hands") {
      #PSU {$Encumbrance} 6 13
      #PSU {%ansi(cyan)5} 21 21}
 ("on legs") {
      #PSU {$Encumbrance} 6 12
      #PSU {%ansi(cyan)10} 20 21}
 ("on feet") {
      #PSU {$Encumbrance} 6 12
      #PSU {%ansi(cyan)10} 20 21}
 ("about body") {
      #PSU {$Encumbrance} 6 15
      #PSU {%ansi(cyan)5} 21 21}
 ("about waist") {
      #PSU {$Encumbrance} 6 16
      #PSU {%ansi(cyan)10} 20 21}</value>
  <trigger priority="24390" id="2439">
    <pattern>(*) is using~:</pattern>
    <value>#IF (%1=@Character) {
      #T+ EqEncumber
      #ALARM EncOff {+1} {#T- EqEncumber
      } {}</value>
  <var name="Character" id="2105"></var>
  <var name="AnatMob" id="2411">100</var>
  <var name="AnatHuman" id="2412">83</var>
  <var name="AnatElf" id="2413">57</var>
  <var name="AnatDwarf" id="2414">22</var>
  <var name="AnatDemihuman" id="2415">110</var>
  <var name="AnatGiant" id="2416">110</var>
  <var name="AnatBeast" id="2417">120</var>
  <var name="AnatFlying" id="2418">28</var>
  <var name="AnatUnique" id="2419">100</var>
  <alias name="anatreset" id="2720">
    <value>#T+ AnatReset</value>
  <trigger name="AnatReset" priority="24200" enabled="false" id="2420">
    <pattern>Anatomy ~:Mob Human Elf Dwarf DemiHum Giant Beast Flying Unique</pattern>
#T- AnatReset</value>
  <trigger priority="24220" id="2422">
    <pattern>You have gained knowledge about (%w)!</pattern>
#SWITCH ($Anat)
 ("mob") {#ADD AnatMob 1}
 ("human") {#ADD AnatHuman 1}
 ("elf") {#ADD AnatElf 1}
 ("dwarf") {#ADD AnatDwarf 1}
 ("demihuman") {#ADD AnatDemihuman 1}
 ("giant") {#ADD AnatGiant 1}
 ("beast") {#ADD AnatBeast 1}
 ("flying") {#ADD AnatFlying 1}
 ("unique") {#ADD AnatUnique 1}</value>


If by chance there's any problems with this, please let me know.

Edited by Magick
Revised #IF statements into #SWITCH; Dec 2018 edit: Cleaned up a little and finally realized lungs on the sidebar missing. Corrected.
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