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Astral Projection - Savant


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Come, sit, have another pint you traveler.  I've heard a story about the savant that might interest you.  Those bookworms been meddling with time for awhile now and done blew up a whole city messing with things they shouldn't be messing with.  Ah hear they digging deep into this schism in searh of raw power.  Something about a new timestream that they can tap.  Untold powers with two streams running into the same Mana pools they can use.


The only problem be them others.  Great demons from another plane of existence beyond our own petty demons.  Almost gods I hear, something far greater, and mysterious.  That damn timelord Temperion traveled into their stream looking to tap it for the towers use.  Hear he let some necromancer demon lead the Savant in his wake while he channels the energy through the conduit.



Sure that's gonna piss them off.  Tapping into there stream without permission.  Lord these God's have no respect for the common man or his business these days.  Battering down the shutters for this one ah dear.  We're gonna have to drink mead in the dark till the storm settles down.


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