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[CHANGE] Typos and Fixes


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Hot Change Date: 10/07/2018

Bugs / Fixes / Changes

- Added a code check for altar screams, rather than depending on a mob prog which could break due to a number of factors. Every hour, if a cabal altar is fighting against someone, it will echo to the altar's cabal that it's happening.
- When mobs that are hunting other mobs have their target killed (aggressive only mobs) they will no longer disappear unless it's a player they've been hunting and the player dies.
- Spell forged items are automatically removed when remorted, now, to prevent issues with added spells or skills.
- Weapons that poison should no longer stack poison against their target.
- When a Warmaster is put to sleep by insomnia, they properly step out of stance now.
- Several Cabal skills/spells fixed that were charging more CP than intended during specific cirumstances.
- You can no longer continually put someone to sleep as a necromancer, even if they're forced awake by other means. The timer will remain until it expires naturally.
- Ninja decoys now check owner level against attacker level, and will not blow up against those out of the owner's PK range.
- Asphyxiate spell for Syndicate has been fixed (it's been broken for a long, long, long, long, long time. We won't mention who actually initially broke it in 2012.. - hint, it wasn't me!)
- Mobs now yell when zapped or brandished against while in a lawful city.
- Power Expertise shouldn't double up on berserkers anymore.
- Shoulder smash for Crusaders slightly updated (spiked/barbed specific)
- Socket names shouldn't cause enormous spaces in short or long descriptions, or name fields anymore.
- Note # matching issue fixed.
- Quest "To find a Lost Boy" in Drkshtyre now actually gives you rewards for completing it.
- Syndicate portals fixed and now connect to correct, connected areas.


- Minister echo FINALLY fixed. (.. no more seremons..!)
- "Armaggedon Smash" updated to reflect the correct "Armageddon" spelling.
- Invoke skill "severly" typo updated to "severely"
- Rhapsody of Delusion description now has an added 'Y' at the end of 'majest'. Now it's spelled correctly. (butter fingers.. I swear)
- Rust echo no longer causes your "possesions" spelling to annoy you. (updated to "possessions")
- Ammo depleting echo updated to be more gramatically correct.
- Demonpelt Trousers are correctly "haphazardly" sewn together now.
- Some fried eggplant can be eaten correctly now.
(thanks to Magick for all of these!)

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@f0xx unfortunately not. The mob prog (and the way it always has been) was a RAND_PROG which checked every hour. It never reported the moment it was attacked, and I haven't updated it to do so either. 

So yes, if you can kill it in less than an in game hour, or flee/attack/flee/attack (and the defender is not there) you could effectively take it without it echoing. This is to help against the 1vsmany scenarios that some go up against (although a lot of people just log out now unfortunately).


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