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Wth is with all these herbs.


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You are ridiculous. I'm sorry. I've played these.  I got 80 kills using dispel, pet trip/bash on viruthx, just as many on stytnlye, and korropant.  Anume made a name in pvp on Thulgan whip locking poor saps and void calling them.  On sepahoona minister, wait for tic dispel while they are lagged.  Rathanous, dispel, pet lag.  Hell zoichan, grope and chi bolt. He didnt need dispel.  Illusion psions at least give you a chance to flee if you aren't being a noob and spamming skills/spells.






Mid combat sancing with no penalty is a huge imbalance.  Prove me wrong.


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The point, overlooked but no less valid, is that melee is not dominating the world right now. These posts while they may have merit, need to be proofed in the living world. As it stands right now dispel works fine if properly timed. A telegraphed disarm is useless too. Mages are very competitive right now.  But please post logs that prove me wrong and I will champion your cause. 

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3 minutes ago, Kyzarius said:

I dont have the visibility you do of current trends of course.  

I would wonder how much we are shifting other metrics to compensate for melees being able to re apply key spells like sanc mid combat.

Actually nothing. Nothing has been inserted to compensate for the ability to cast sanc through herbs mid combat other than the lag associated to doing so.


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