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Avrael has been officially deleted!

My play time on the character dropped off considerably around my wedding/honeymoon and I just couldn't get back into the RP when I returned. I had a pretty good time on him overall and thoroughly enjoyed my experiences both with my fellow Knights and the interactions with my enemies.

The journals and applications were a blast to write and I really did enjoy the story I was molding, but I just set it down for too long and I lost it.

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Couple shoutouts:

Aegreus - Love you, dude. Keep on trucking and being a kick ass Lord of Battle. I was advocating to Eledhwen for you and Talindra to be promoted for a while. Can't wait to see you as Leader!

Ulthas - Class-freaking-act. When I died in the Isle of Souls in that daring, albeit stupid, attempt to kill you when you fled you didn't loot a single thing. I don't think you needed the EQ, but still. I noticed and I will remember it.

Vulghaan - I got you when you first pinned, then once you got Savant it was a done deal. I just couldn't bring out enough damage. I wanted another go at ya after all these changes, but it just didn't happen.

Eledhwen - What can I say about ya, my dude? Stellar IMM that always puts the well being and enjoyment of the players ahead of himself. Whether that means creating awesome plots or just helping out making RP desires become a reality. If any of the Staff need an example of how to act as an Immortal, they don't need to look too far. You really get it.

Izzzy - I didn't intend for that to go the way it did. I know you don't believe it, but I'm serious. I thought it was understood on all ends. You know what I'm talking about. 


See ya all on the next one! :D 

(thinking I might roll up a real go at DK or Vamp)

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