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Change Detail: Warmaster Set EQ


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In the interest of fairness, because this is a major change to the cabal's assets, I am going above and beyond in terms of transparency to share some significant changes to the Warmaster Set Equipment.

The Warmaster Cabal Set previously did the following things on the tick, every tick: Cure serious (when under 50% health), cure dysentery, cure disease, and cure blind. As you can imagine, this made playing a class reliant on maledictions (such as shaman, dark-knight, necromancer, certain Psionicist paths, and even blademasters) untenable against particularly strong/fast/resilient Warmasters.

After extensive discussion among the staff (we had > 50% of the staff in a voice call discussing for two hours on Saturday), we made the following decisions:

- Remove all curatives except dysentery (as a one-time, last ditch defense against the deadly dysentery + blind combo)
- Remove refresh on the Inner Fire (which was usable every 2 hours for an extra 50 move regen)
- Remove pass door from the Ephemeral Scabbard (which was deemed excessive when combined with ram)

The resulting decision led to the remaining progs being recalibrated in the following way:

- Warmasters must now wear the Eye of the Manticore* and their respective cabal torso piece to access the 'endorphin rush' proc.
- Warmasters must now wear the Eye of the Manticore*, the Inner Fire*, and their respective cabal torso piece in order to access the cure dysentery proc
*The respective Barbarian trophies will now also function as part of this set, in lieu of the bought cabal gear (yay barbarian buff)

Finally, the cure dysentery proc is no longer as strong as it once was, so stock up on perriwinkle herbs and pay attention when fighting malediction-users. The prog now has a substantial delay (somewhere in the ballpark of 8-16 hours) and so it WILL NOT cure dysentery multiple times in a row.

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After extensive discussion among the staff (we had > 50% of the staff in a voice call discussing for two hours on Saturday), we made the following decisions:

- Remove all curatives except dysentery (as a one-time, last ditch defense against the deadly dysentery + blind combo)



Umm, how do they cure blind if they lost all their curatives?

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7 minutes ago, egreir said:

After extensive discussion among the staff (we had > 50% of the staff in a voice call discussing for two hours on Saturday), we made the following decisions:

- Remove all curatives except dysentery (as a one-time, last ditch defense against the deadly dysentery + blind combo)



Umm, how do they cure blind if they lost all their curatives?

Only the curatives in the Warmaster Cabal Equipment SET PROG were removed. The consumable curatives -- bloodwolf's eye, lizard testicles, etc. are still available for purchase and use.

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