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hotspring monkey

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Life of late is alright. It's never overly great or bad so there's that. I have not gotten the jab, mainly because with my circle of people including family, the ones who have gotten it have ended up in really rough shape even after catching it, one dying, and my brother who got it without being vaccinated said it was nothing more than a cold for him. My best friend currently is on lock down because he's got it and it's the same thing for him. Not saying I'd have the same results, but I'll risk it regardless. I work alone mostly, and I don't leave my house often either.

Otherwise though, we could use more players here, and more activity in general. It's good to know you're still poking about from time to time.

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Hey there HSM.  Been the same shit, different week, here.


1 hour ago, Tantangel said:

I have not gotten the jab, mainly because with my circle of people including family, the ones who have gotten it have ended up in really rough shape even after catching it, one dying, and my brother who got it without being vaccinated said it was nothing more than a cold for him. My best friend currently is on lock down because he's got it and it's the same thing for him. Not saying I'd have the same results, but I'll risk it regardless. I work alone mostly, and I don't leave my house often either.

Dude, seriously?  Do I need to do an info dump on you for why you should get the jab?  To start with, you're at least 3x (I've heard as much as 63x) more likely to catch the virus and 10x more likely to end up in the hospital without the vaccine than with.  With, you're going to have much milder symptoms.

It's free.  It takes all of like 5 minutes to get the vaccine, 20 including the wait time for Pfizer.  Get a second shot (depending on brand) like 8 weeks later.  Then you're done.  It's not even an inconvenience.
There's no harm and literally all the benefits.  Even if you don't see someone more than twice a year.

I've had both the virus and the vaccine.  Get the vaccine.

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Dude, did he not just say that those in his family/friends ended up worse off after getting the vaccine?  I have quite a few friends who got the vaccine and ended up hospitalized or dead after getting the vaccine and then getting the virus myself.  While everyone I know who has gotten the virus and has NOT been vaccinated so far, there are zero fatalities!  Thankfully, no one in my immediate family have either gotten it or were a-systematic and none of us have gotten the vaccine.  

Regardless, either way, it is a personal choice as to whether someone is or is not vaccinated and their decisions should be respected either way.  Just my two cents.


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The way I read it was that they were in rough shape after catching the virus.  I didn't read at all they were in worse shape as that would imply that they had the virus twice, once after the vaccine, and could compare.  The vaccine doesn't make you immune, nor does it mean that death from the virus is prevented.  It's merely lessened from an already virulent state.



Everything else I was going to write, I've decided not to post as it has nothing to do with HSM's post.
All I'll say is I'm not impressed with people who aren't getting the vaccine.  This includes my parents.

Unless we're going to start up a new thread, and I'm frankly tired of arguing with anti-vaxxers, I'm not going to say any more on the subject here.


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@Magick Part of the reason why I don't usually state my stance is because so many people do not like those who vaccinate. It's fine if people frown upon those who choose not to do it, but I'll never judge someone for wanting to get it or not getting it simply because it's their decision. I see it as if I get sick and die, that's on me. Everyone I know who has gotten it and never got the vaccine also didn't leave their homes or anything because they know the risks. That includes people who got it and had very mild symptoms. Tonight is my friends first night back after catching it at his job at Amazon where all CDC rules have been observed and made mandatory  up to that point. So far his response to going back is the same thing as everyone else going back to work who had the vaccine which is lower energy, but nothing bad.

I do respect your decision to choose one way or the other, it's all I ever ask for in return from anyone else. Getting it shouldn't give you or anyone a moral sense of superiority. Besides, the world could use a new plague regardless. Most people are shit anymore, and some feel high and mighty that even if I were among the dead, I'd still be okay with that. My perspective on the world and how it is though is often from a viewpoint that 99.99999% of people do not see eye to eye with me on.

@hotspring monkey What about you? How has life been and have you come back to play, or just dabble in the forum/discord?

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On 11/12/2021 at 10:52 AM, Tantangel said:


@hotspring monkey What about you? How has life been and have you come back to play, or just dabble in the forum/discord?

I was gonna be myself and be direct, but nah. Life is good. I did roll a toon, but forgot the name and direction straight after. 60h alone this week at hospitals, working.

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7 hours ago, hotspring monkey said:

I was gonna be myself and be direct, but nah. Life is good. I did roll a toon, but forgot the name and direction straight after. 60h alone this week at hospitals, working.

Why are you working alone? Not that that's a bad thing, because I prefer working alone, but that's rough depending on your role too. 

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  • 2 months later...
On 11/20/2021 at 3:06 AM, Tantangel said:

Why are you working alone? Not that that's a bad thing, because I prefer working alone, but that's rough depending on your role too. 

I do shit mostly alone. My coworkerker helps me (gladly) a lot. So I'm no in neck deep shit all the time. 

My job just iinvolvelves being stupid hand on site engineer with too little pay and that is just what I do. 

I build hospitals. Via other means, I',m close to the hot topics.


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