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Journal to "immortal", why?


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So this is just a small question about why we have to enter the journals to immortal specifically. Isn't the point that that is where they all should go? Are they ever used to send journals to others? Is it a technical limitation that it needs to be there or would it be easier to just have the "to" always be "immortal"?

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Just now, Xultantris said:

Journals are received like notes, but a separate category. 

So I get "A messenger hands you a scroll marked "journal""

Right, I guess my question is would it be easier, or even possible, to just default send it to "immortal"? It would be slightly different for applications since applications go more places than just to "immortal" like cabals etc.

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Journals aren't often sent to others.  I think it's only happened once that someone asked to share their journal in the entire time we've had them, so I guess "aren't often sent" is an understatement.  I think it was sent as a note so it wouldn't be missed.

As for if it's a technical limitation, it's not.  So is it possible to autofill the recipient with "Immortal"?  Yes.  Easier?  Maybe, and the only reason I say that is more player habit than anything.  Just about every correspondence in game will often start with "[correspondence] to," be it an application or note or anything in between.  Yes, you can start a note with "note subject My time in @Xultantris's Buggy Fungeon" or even go straight into "note +" if you're archaic, "note edit" if you want the editor, putting in the subject or recipient later.

In the end, I don't see an issue with this minor QoL adjustment.

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